Other Publications
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2019), "Other perspectives on Economy: Solidarity economy, women's autonomy and urban revitalisation", URBiNAT Handbook
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Garraio, Julia; Giuliani, Gaia (2019), "Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Garraio, Julia; Giuliani, Gaia (2019), "Regresso à fogueira? A extrema direita e o ódio às mulheres". Available at: https://www.esquerda.net/artigo/regresso-fogueira-extrema-direita-e-o-odio-mulheres/61265", Regresso à fogueira? A extrema direita e o ódio às mulheres
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane; Caitana, Beatriz (2014), "Solidarity social currencies: the preliminary analysis on their presence in the Mainland Portugal", Network Magazine - IN LOCO , 1, 30-39
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2012), "Comment on the chronicle Wikiliquidation of the Empire", In Santos, Boaventura de Sousa Santos. A cor do Tempo quando foge - volume 2 , 443
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2012), "Comment on the chronicle The Porn Country", In Santos, Boaventura de Sousa Santos. A cor do Tempo quando foge - volume 2 , 158
Lucas dos Santos, Luciane (2012), "Solidarity Consumption - Entry in Specialized Dictionary", The Dictionary of Crisis and Alternatives , 60
Santos, Luciane Lucas dos (2011), "The myth of consumption as an individual decision", Ethics: thinking the life and living the thinking. , 2