Unified Health System: celebrating 30 years with deconstitutionalisation
Tânia Regina Krüger (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Pq2 CNPq)
November 6, 2018, 16h00
Room 1, CES | Alta
The Seminar aims to present elements and problematize the counter-reformation that has been dilapidating and deconstitutionalising the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS), at the moment of its 30th anniversary, without disregarding its tense path of institutionalization and implementation. The commemorations of the 30 years of the Constitutional Charter come about in a political conjuncture in which the country is confronted with an unprecedented setback in the political-institutional process and with a collapse of the guarantee of citizenship rights as a measure of adjustment of the economic crisis. The study, descriptive and exploratory in nature, was developed through bibliographical, documental and SUS normative framework review. All this critical analysis does not disregard the fact that the SUS is one of the most expensive social policies of the Brazilian democratic-popular struggles, so it is a national patrimony. The contents of the Seminar will be structured as follows:
- Health Reform Movement, SUS regulation, SUS implementation and service indicators;
- Reflections on counter-reforms, flexibilisation and the explication of three ideopolitical tendencies in relation to SUS;
- Setbacks of its popular democratic basis and functionality to the private sector;
- Context of the dilapidation and deconstitutionalization of SUS after 2016.
Bio note:
Tânia Regina Krüger - Associate Professor of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the Department of Social Work of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She holds a degree in Social Work from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1990), a Master's degree in Education and Culture from the State University of Santa Catarina (1998) and a PhD in Social Work from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2005). With experience in the area of Social Service, with emphasis on Social Work, working mainly on the following subjects: social policy, SUS, social service, professional practice, health policy, participation, social control, social policy planning and management. Member of the Studies Group in Social Service and Popular Organisation - NESSOP. Post-doctorate researcher at the Centre for Social Studies - CES - University of Coimbra. Researcher Pq2 CNPq.
Comments: Mauro Serapioni (CES)