Single application phase: 3rd March to 19th May 2025 (15 places)
This PhD programme is biennial.
Who can apply | Submission of applications | Evaluation criteria | Annual fee
1 - Applicants for admission to the Doctoral Programme in International Politics and Conflict Resolution must be:
a) Holders of a Master’s degree, or legal equivalent, in International Relations or other Human and Social Sciences;
b) Holders of a degree in International Relations or other Human Social Sciences, with a relevant academic curriculum that is recognised as appropriate for this level of studies by the Scientific Board of CES and the Scientific Council of FEUC, including: publications; internships in relevant institutions; advanced training courses in this field of studies; research and/or lecturing experience; working experience in this field of studies (international organisations governmental and nongovernmental, national and international; multinational corporations; public diplomacy; international relations offices of public and private institutions; civil and military institutions; and similar). Graduates from other areas with an academic curriculum that reveals an adequate background knowledge, such as working experience in this field of studies, internship(s) at international organizations, governmental or non-governmental for at least a period of twelve months; research experience of at least one year and experience of project management/direction at an acknowledged research centre;
c) Applicants with an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognised by the Scientific Board of CES and the Scientific Council of FEUC as appropriate for this level of studies, including relevant scientific publications (at least one book, three peer-reviewed articles); research experience (project’s research director); academic experience (2 years of lecturing); and/or professional experience as mentioned in b).
2 - The recognition referred to in subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 1 only allows access to the cycle of studies leading to a PhD Degree and does not grant its holder the recognition or equivalence to a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree.
NOTE: Regarding assessment in this course, attendance and approval in the Programme Seminars are a necessary condition for the presentation of the thesis project. This project must be subject to defense with approval for the following development of the thesis, which will be defended in public exams.
Available places: 15
Applications must be exclusively submitted via the online Platform InforEstudante. Instructions are available here.
Required documentation
- Two Letters of Recommendation (MANDATORY);
- Certificate from Master's degree with final course classification (Master degree diploma). A certificate proving approval in the curricular units carried out must be included, with respective classifications (school transcript). (MANDATORY, except if the origin course is a course taught at the University of Coimbra) Only applicable to: 3rd Cycle Course;
- Certificate of Bachelor's degree with final course classification (diploma). A certificate proving approval in the curricular units carried out must be included, with respective classifications (school transcript). (MANDATORY, except if the primary course is a course taught at the University of Coimbra) Only applicable to: 3rd Cycle Course;
- Curriculum vitae (MANDATORY);
- Diploma of proficiency in the English language (if available) - Only applicable to: 3rd Cycle Course;
- Identity Document (MANDATORY only for foreign applicants) (MANDATORY);
- Motivation Letter (maximum 700 words) (MANDATORY);
- Official declaration of course outlines and hourly course loads with classification of each course unit of courses previously taken (transcript), in case of equivalence credits request (MANDATORY, except in degrees awarded by the University of Coimbra under the Bologna Process – after 2007/2008) – Only applicable to: 3rd Cycle Course;
- Research project draft proposal (1,500 words, including footnotes and bibliography) (MANDATORY).
If the documents mentioned above are written in a foreign language other than Spanish, French, and English, it is mandatory to present a translation to Portuguese undertaken by a translator recognised by the Portuguese diplomatic representation.
The submission of the authenticated original documents is mandatory to the applicants admitted who enrol and register and must be done as soon as possible in order to complete their personal file. Further information
1.1 Academic and scientific curriculum: Bachelor's degree and other academic training [5/20 Weighting];
1.2 Publications / Research [4/20 Weighting];
2. Professional CV: Assessment of professional merit [4/20 Weighting];
3. Research project proposal [5/20 Weighting];
4. Interview and motivation letter [2/20 Weighting].
Jury: Paula Duarte Lopes (President of the jury); Teresa Paula de Almeida Cravo; André Saramago.
Regarding the access referred to in sub-paragraph c) of paragraph 1 of the conditions of admission the application evaluator assesses the CV of applicants and rates it on a scale of 0 to 20 following the criteria i) to iv) and their respective weights:
i) Publications / Research [5/20 Weighting];
ii) Professional CV [7/20 Weighting];
iii) Research project proposal [5/20 Weighting];
iv) Interview and motivation letter [3/20 Weighting].
NOTE: Assessed applications that have a grade lower than 9.5 in one of the evaluation criteria will automatically become non-approved.
Part-time registration: Admits (Thesis only)
Information for candidates
- Application is subject to the payment of a 50.00 euros fee, which is non-refundable, even in case of invalidation of application and of non-placement.
- Applications are submitted online.
- Applicants who do not have the documents attesting the required qualifications or other documents until the end of the deadline for applications may apply conditionally. If they do not submit the required documents until the new deadline provided, their application will become "Not Admitted". Then, they can move their application onto the following call for applications without any additional charges.
- In applications definitively considered valid, and after the evaluation period has started, it is not possible to add or replace the documents presented. To add new documentation, a new application must be submitted in the next phase, if any.
- After the last phase of applications, and if there are still places available, applicants may submit their application by means of a request, beyond the deadline, which will be duly appraised by the coordination of the Course /Organisational Unit.
- Further information about academic issues, including the academic calendar.
- Contacts: E-mail; Telephone: (00351) 239 247 195; In person assistance at the Student Hub of the University of Coimbra (Schedules).