Aula aberta

Sharing experiences: practical tips on the whys and hows on beginning an academic career

Nik Hynek (Charles University / Metropolitan University - Prague)

30 de novembro de 2018, 11h00

Sala 4.3, Faculdade de Economia da UC


This session seeks to discuss the challenges associated to initiating an academic career.

Nota biográfica

Nik Hynek is associate professor at the Charles University in Prague and the Metropolitan University Prague, and he is currently doing a visiting fellowship at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra. Prof. Hynek studied political science and international relations at the Masaryk University, the University of Plymouth, and the University of Bradford where he received his research doctorate degree in Security Studies and International Politics (2011). He previously worked at the Institute of International Relations in Prague where he founded and directed a research centre on security. He was a visiting research scholar at the Columbia University in New York and the London School of Economist and Political Science. He is currently involved in several projects, most importantly as the research leader of the interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence at Charles University, PERICULUM on exploration of human/machine nexus and its multiple regulations.