
Biocultural Myths about Poverty

Lennard J. Davis (University of Illinois - Chicago)

11 de março de 2024, 14h30

Sala 1, CES | Alta

Moderador: Fernando Fontes (CES)


Esta é uma intervenção retirada de um capítulo do próximo livro do orador «Poornography: how those with money depict those without». Existe um género de escrita, arte e cinema que é em grande parte criado por artistas de classe média e alta que fazem obras para o público de classe média. Estas obras estão repletas de clichês sobre os pobres – em grande parte alicerçados em pressupostos bioculturais não comprovados. Neste seminário, Davis apresentará os estereótipos e os factos que os desmascaram.

Nota biográfica

Lennard J. Davis is Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Science - Disability and Human Development - in the English Department in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Illinois - Chicago (USA). His research has been devoted to the study of biocultures, disability, the construction of normality, deafness and the intersection of culture, medicine, disability, biotechnology, and the biosphere. Davis is the author and editor of numerous books including: Enforcing Normalcy: Disability, Deafness, and the Body (Verso, 1995), The Disability Studies Reader (, Routledge, 1997 (4th Ed., 2013)), The End of Normal: Identity in a Biocultural Era (University of Michigan Press, 2013), Obsession: A History (University of Chicago Press, 2008). He also coedited several books, including: The Disability Handbook (Oxford University Press, 2012) and Disability and Social Theory: New Developments and Directions (Palgrave, 2012). Davis new book, forthcoming in 2024, Poornography: How Those With Money Depict Those Without, is devoted to analyse the representations of poverty.

Organizado em colaboração com o Programa de Doutoramento Human Rights in Contemporary Societies.