Artigos em Atas de Eventos
Sales, Luisa (2013), "Os discursos e silêncios na construção do trauma" in Comissão Organizadora (org.), IX Congresso Nacional Psiquiatria. Lisboa, 1.
Sales, Luisa (2011), ""How are the children and the spouses of the Portuguese war veterans, 30 years later?"" in ESTSS (org.), European Journal of Psychotraumatology , supplement 1., 114.
Sales, Luisa; Dias, Aida (2011), ""Relations between childhood trauma and psychological symptoms in a Portuguese Population", 1, 139." in European Journal of Psychotraumatology (org.), supplement 1.
Sales, Luisa; Dias, Aida; Mendes, José Manuel (2008), "The European TENTS Project and the Portugues reality" in Projecto IPPHEC (org.), The psycho-social intervention in mass-emergency situations: Comparing European realities.