Artigos em Revistas Científicas

Dias, João Paulo; Casaleiro, Paula; Gomes, Conceição; Jesus, Fernanda; Lima, Teresa Maneca; Queirós, Filipa; Relvas, Ana Paula; Sotero, Luciana; Henriques, Marina; Verzelloni, Luca (2024), "Looking at the other side: working conditions in Portuguese courts", International Journal of Law in Context, 20, 2, 246-266
DOI Open Access

Ferreira, Vitória; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2024), "Facing the heat: A descriptive review of the literature on family and community resilience amidst wildfires and climate change", Journal of Family Theory and Review

Oliveira, Carolina; Lourenço, Daniela; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2024), "Caregivers' concerns through health professionals' eyes", Palliative and Supportive Care, 22, 3, 499-510

Relvas, Ana Paula; Lacomba-Trejo, Laura; Portugal, Alda; Chiarolanza, Claudia; Major, Sofia; Rosa, Catarina; Sotero, Luciana; Randall, Ashley K. (2023), "YES, WE COPE: Dyadic Coping as a Mediator Between Perceived Relationship Quality and Emotional Representation of COVID-19", Cognitive Therapy and Research, 47, 4, 563-573
DOI Open Access

Casaleiro, Paula; Branco, Patrícia; Sotero, Luciana (2023), "Parental Responsibilities and Health Issues: An Exploratory Study of Legal Disputes", Law, Technology and Humans, 5, 1, 178-191
DOI Open Access

Lacomba-Trejo, Laura; Marques, Alda Patrícia; Diniz-Vieira, Ana; Sotero, Luciana; Major, Sofia; Relvas, Ana Paula (2023), "Preditores de psicopatologia. presença ou ausência de doença crónica e ameaça percebida de COVID-19", Territorium, 30(I), 77-84

Marques, João Pedro; Bernardes, Luís; Oliveira, Carolina; Fonseca, Gabriela; Quadrado Gil, João; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula; Murta, Joaquim; Silva, Rufino; Lacy, Gabrielle Davis; Abalem, Maria Fernanda; Jayasundera, K. Thiran (2022), "Portuguese translation and linguistic validation of the Michigan Retinal Degeneration Questionnaire and the Michigan Vision-Related Anxiety Questionnaire in a cohort with inherited retinal degenerations", Ophthalmic Genetics, 43, 1, 137-139

Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2021), "Dropout Versus Retention in Family Therapy: How are they Associated with Behavioral Manifestations of the Therapeutic Alliance?", Contemporary Family Therapy, 43, 4, 320-328

Randall, Ashley K.; Leon, Gabriel; Basili, Emanuele; Martos, Tamás; Boiger, Michael; Baldi, Michela; Hocker, Lauren; Kline, Kai; Masturzi, Alessio; Aryeetey, Richmond; Bar-Kalifa, Eran; Boon, Susan D.; Botella, Luis; Burke, Tom; Carnelley, Katherine B.; Carr, Alan; Dash, Arobindu; Fitriana, Mimi; Gaines, Stanley O.; Galdiolo, Sarah; Hart, Claire M.; Joo, Susanna; Kanth, Barani; Karademas, Evangelos; Karantzas, Gery; Landolt, Selina A.; McHugh, Louise; Milek, Anne; Murphy, Eddie; Natividade, Jean C.; Portugal, Alda; Quiñones, Álvaro; Relvas, Ana Paula; Rumondor, Pingkan C. B.; Rusu, Petruta; Sallay, Viola; Saul, Luis Angel; Schmitt, David P.; Sels, Laura; Shujja, Sultan; Taylor, Laura K.; Ozguluk, S. Burcu; Verhofstadt, Leslie; Yoo, Gyesook; Zemp, Martina; Donato, Silvia; Totenhagen, Casey J.; van Eickels, Rahel L.; Adil, Adnan; Anaba, Emmanuel Anongeba; Asampong, Emmanuel; Beauchemin-Roy, Sarah; Berry, Anna; Brassard, Audrey; Chesterman, Susan; Ferguson, Lizzie; Fonseca, Gabriela; Gaugue, Justine; Geonet, Marie; Hermesch, Neele; Abdul Wahab Khan, Rahmattullah Khan; Knox, Laura; Lafontaine, Marie-France; Lawless, Nicholas; Londero-Santos, Amanda; Major, Sofia; Marot, Tiago A.; Mullins, Ellie; Otermans, Pauldy C. J.; Pagani, Ariela F.; Parise, Miriam; Parvin, Roksana; De, Mallika; Péloquin, Katherine; Rebelo, Bárbara; Righetti, Francesca; Romano, Daniel; Salavati, Sara; Samrock, Steven; Serea, Mary; Seok, Chua Bee; Sotero, Luciana; Stafford, Owen; Thomadakis, Christoforos; Topcu-Uzer, Cigdem; Ugarte, Carla; Low, Wah Yun; Simon-Zámbori, Petra; Siau, Ching Sin; Duca, Diana-Sînziana; Filip, Cornelia; Park, Hayoung; Wearen, Sinead; Bodenmann, Guy; Chiarolanza, Claudia (2021), "Coping with global uncertainty: Perceptions of COVID-19 psychological distress, relationship quality, and dyadic coping for romantic partners across 27 countries", Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39, 1, 3-33
DOI Open Access

Mimoso, Inês; Sotero, Luciana; Cunha, Ana Isabel; Queiroz, Juliana (2021), "A experiência de adaptação de mães de crianças e adolescentes com paralisia cerebral: Um estudo qualitativo", New Trends in Qualitative Research, 8, 645-653
DOI Open Access

Oliveira, Carolina; Fonseca, Gabriela; Areia, Neide P.; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2021), "Caring for people who take care: What is already done?", Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-11

Oliveira, Carolina; Fonseca, Gabriela; Sotero, Luciana; Crespo, Carla; Relvas, Ana Paula (2020), "Family Dynamics During Emerging Adulthood: Reviewing, Integrating, and Challenging the Field", Journal of Family Theory & Review, 12, 3, 350-367

Weber, Izabel; Gianolla, Cristiano; Sotero, Luciana (2020), "Suicídio e violência estrutural. Revisão sistemática de uma correlação marcada pelo colonialismo", Sociedade e Estado, 35, 1, 189-228
DOI Open Access

Sotero, Luciana; Ferreira da Veiga, Gustavo; Carreira, Daniela; Portugal, Alda; Relvas, Ana Paula (2019), "Facebook Addiction and Emerging Adults: The influence of sociodemographic variables, family communication, and differentiation of self", Escritos de Psicologia, 12, 2, 81-92
Open Access

Portugal, Alda; Sotero, Luciana (2019), "A bailar é que a gente se entende: O papel da comunicação nas coreografias da parentalidade", Journal of the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations - MOSAICO, 72, 37-49
Open Access

Borges, Daniela; Portugal, Alda; Magalhães, Eunice; Sotero, Luciana; Lamela, Diogo; Prioste, Ana (2019), "Helicopter Parenting Instrument: Estudos Psicométricos Iniciais com Adultos Emergentes", Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación - e Avaliação Psicológica, 53, 4

Sotero, Luciana; Moura-Ramos, Mariana; Escudero, Valentín; Relvas, Ana Paula (2018), "When the family is opposed to coming to therapy: A study on outcomes and therapeutic alliance with involuntary and voluntary clients.", Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 7, 1, 47-61

da Veiga, Gustavo Ferreira; Sotero, Luciana; Pontes, Halley M.; Cunha, Diana; Portugal, Alda; Relvas, Ana P. (2018), "Emerging Adults and Facebook Use: the Validation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS)", International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 17, 2, 279-294
DOI Open Access

Sotero, Luciana (2018), "¿Cómo tratar la VFP? Del secreto y de la vergüenza, a la creación de una demanda común en la terapia", Journal of the Spanish Federation of Family Therapy Associations - MOSAICO, 69, 89-103

Sotero, Luciana; Cunha, Diana; da Silva, José Tomás; Escudero, Valentín; Relvas, Ana Paula (2017), "Building Alliances with (In)Voluntary Clients: A Study Focused on Therapists' Observable Behaviors", Family Process, 56, 4, 819-834

Sambuta, Agueda; Sotero, Luciana (2017), "Adaptação do SCORE-15 para a População Angolana: Estudo exploratório com uma amostra não clínica", Revista Angolana de Ciência, 4, 3, 121-140

Portugal, Alda; Cunha, Diana; Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2017), "Estudos de Adaptação da Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento (MAT) para a População Angolana", Revista Angolana de Ciência, 4, 3, 7-24

Sotero, Luciana; Major, Sofia; Escudero, Valentín; Relvas, Ana Paula (2016), "The therapeutic alliance with involuntary clients: how does it work?. Alliance with involuntary clients", Journal of Family Therapy, 38, 1, 36-58
Open Access

Sotero, Luciana (2015), "The Pathological Gambler and his Spouse: How do their Narratives Match?", Journal of Gambling Issues, 31, 112-141
Open Access

Sotero, Luciana (2013), "Contributos da Epistemologia Sistémica na Investigação com Famílias", Revista Cabo dos Trabalhos, 10, 1-18
Open Access

Sotero, Luciana; Relvas, Ana Paula (2012), "A intervenção com clientes involuntários: complexidade e dilemas", Psicologia & Sociedade, 24, 1, 187-196

Sotero, Luciana (2010), "The System for Observing Family Therapy Alliances (SOFTA) and the preliminary Portuguese studies", 8th European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) Newsletter