Artigos em Atas de Eventos
Bandeirinha, José António (2022), "Architecture and Resistance: Portugal 1948-1974" in Nezar AlSayyad [Editor-in-Chief] (org.), Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments. Berkeley CA: IASTE Berkeley Editorial Office, 65-66.
Bandeirinha, José António (2022), "From Siza and Erskine to URBINAT: participatory architectural design and the European social housing co-production" in Carmen Jordà Such; Maite Palomares Figueres; Ana Tostões; Uta Pottgiesser [Editors] (org.), 17th International Docomomo Conference. Modern Design: Social Commitment & quality of Life. Proceedings. Valência: Carmen Jordà Such; Maite Palomares Figueres; Ana Tostões; Uta Pottgiesser [Editors], 974-982.
Bandeirinha, José António (2019), "Three buttons on the sleeves. United States 1960 and Távora's strangeness" in Nuno Correia, Helena Maia, Rute Figueiredo (org.), Revisiting the Post-CIAM Generation. Debates, proposals and intellectual framework. Proceedings. Porto: Escola Superior Artística do Porto, 15-27.
Bandeirinha, José António (2019), "'Curar e Reparar o Construído' Fazer aquilo que sempre fizemos" in Désirée Pedro; Luís Miguel Correia (org.), Ciclo de Conferências de Arquitetura Curar e Reparar o Construído. Coimbra: Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra - Ano Zero, 50-53.
Bandeirinha, José António (2019), ""(That Team X)! Matera, Bragança and Vila da Feirta at Otterlo"" in Pedro Baía (org.), Team Ten Farwest: Guimarães 2017, Barcelona 2019. s. l.: Circo de Ideias, 14-15.
Bandeirinha, José António (2018), ""Ostinato Rigore. El Proceso SAAL. Portugal 1974-1976"" in AA. VV. (org.), Actas del IX Congreso DOCOMOMO ibérico. Movimiento moderno: patrimonio cultural y sociedad. S. L.: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España / Fund. DOCOMOMO Ibérico / Delegación Gipuzcoa, 319-337.
Bandeirinha, José António; Lobo, Susana; Tostões, Ana (2014), "Designing the seaside: mass tourism in Portugal" in Nadia Fava; Marisa García Vergara (Dirección) (org.), International Seminar Touristic Territories: Touristic imagery and the construction of contemporary landscape. Girona: Viguera Editores, 225-238.
Bandeirinha, José António (2008), "Modern Education and the Education in Transformation of the Modern. The Experience of the Masters Degree in Rehabilitation of Built Environment" in Dirk van den Heuvel; Maarten Mesman; Wido Quist; Bert Lemmens (edited by) (org.), Proceedings of the 10th International Docomomo Conference. The Challenge of Change. Dealing with the Legacy of Modern Movement. Amsterdão: IOS Press, 301-306.
Bandeirinha, José António (2005), "Portugal do Estado Novo. Arquitectura e Política do Espírito" in AA.VV. (org.), El G.A.T.C.P.A.C y su tiempo - política, cultura y arquitectura en los años treinta. Barcelona: Fundación DOCOMOMO Ibérico, 61-71.