Capítulos em Livros
Carrapiço, Helena (2017), Blurring Public and Private: cybersecurity in the age of regulatory capitalism, in O. Bures and H. Carrapico (org.), The Privatization of Security: going beyond private military companies. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer
Carrapiço, Helena (2017), EU Cyber Crime Policies, in Florian Trauner and Ariadna Ripoll- Servent (org.), Routledge Handbook on Justice and Home Affairs. New York. London.: Routledge
Carrapiço, Helena (2017), Fronteiras Europeias em fluxo: tecnologias, externalisação e transparência, in Maria Raquel Freire (org.), Fronteiras Contemporaneas. Coimbra: Almedina
Carrapiço, Helena; Farrand, Ben (2016), The European Union and Cyber crime, in E. Herlin Karnell, M. Fletcher and C. Matera (org.), The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. London and New York: Routledge
Carrapiço, Helena; André Barrinha (2016), The internal, the external and the virtual: the EU and the security of cyberspace, in Laura Chappell, Jocelyn Mawdsley and Petar Petrov (org.), The EU, Strategy and Security Policy. London, New York: Routledge
Carrapiço, Helena; Pineu, Daniel (2013), Quando a excepção ainda prova a regra: a Escola de Copenhaga vista pelos seus críticos, in Raquel Freire e André Barrinha (org.), Segurança, Liberdade e Política: a Escola de Copenhaga em Português. Coimbra: Almedina
Carrapiço, Helena (2012), Transnational Organized Crime: a reflection on concepts and definitions, in Felia Allum e Stanley Gilmour (org.), Routledge Handbook on Transnational organized Crime. Londres: Routledge
Carrapiço, Helena (2010), The evolution of the European Union's Understanding of Organized crime and its embedment in EU discourse, in Felia Allum, Daniela Irrera, Francesca Longo e Panos Kostakos (org.), Defining and Defying Organised Crime. Londres: Routledge