Artigos em Revistas Científicas
Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Mendes, Jose Manuel; Barata, Eduardo; Barragan, Alejandra (2023), "Climate Risk Transfer Public Policies: An Analysis of the Colombian Case", Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction [in Spanish], Ahead of print, Ahead of print, Ahead of print
Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Mendes, José Manuel; Barata, Eduardo Jorge (2022), "The Differential Risk Transfer: a new approach for reducing vulnerability to climate-related hazards", Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 31, 5, 550-564
Trejo Rangel, Miguel Angel; Ramos Ribeiro, Rodrigo Rudge; Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Mota Ferreira, Adriano; Esquivel-Gomez, Nhilce Nahomi; Liera-Martínez, Carla Cristina (2022), "Decolonization of the Disasters Science: Approaches from Latin America and the Caribbean", Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (REDER - ISSN: 0719-8477), 5, 3
Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Da Silva Nunes, Maria Isabel (2021), "Comparative analysis in the implementation of matrices for the climate-risk prioritization in the municipality of Pereira [in Spanish].", AIDIS Journal, 14, 3, 1228