Reunião inaugural do grupo de trabalho sobre Arts-informed research
15 de dezembro de 2015, 14h00
Sala 2, CES-Coimbra
Are you a researcher who …
- uses art as a way of knowing?
- uses art as a way of communicating the results of your research?
- uses art as the methodology for doing research?
- wants to learn about/consider using art within your research?
Are you an artist who…
- addresses social issues with your art?
- does research with your art?
- wants to learn how to do research with your art?
Are you someone who wants to collaborate with others using art to do research at a community level? at a university? in your work place? in a government office?
Everyone welcome: researchers, artists, researcher/artist, teachers, students
The meeting is open to everyone who has an interest in participating in a series of regular meetings in Coimbra to actively share works-in-progress and to have discussions (and creative working sessions) to solve problems of using creative/arts formats for publications, disciplines, academic communities with norms that do not include art or creative ways.
- introductions of all attendees
- sharing of interests, needs for sharing
- begin scheduling meetings for 2016 (date, topic/leader etc)
Alison Neilson is a researcher at Centre for Social Studies, CES, Coimbra. She used arts methods in her PhD research and has published arts-informed research in scholarly books and journals. She uses various forms of art in her work and has taught methodology for arts research in environmental studies and education departments in Canada and Portugal. She is active in networks in Iberia as well as the European Education Researchers Association network for arts research. She wants to create a group where she can continue to develop her practice by sharing her work and helping others share and develop their work as well.
blog: https://artsinformedresearch.wordpress.com/