Escaping the Great Divide: How actor-network theory, digital methods and network analysis can make us sensitive to the differences in the density of associations
Tommaso Venturini (MediaLab SciencesPo, Paris)
28 de outubro de 2014, 14h30
Sala 1, CES-Coimbra
Conferência no âmbito dos Programas de Doutoramento CES (2º ano) em articulação com o projecto FCT "A importância de ser digital. Explorar as práticas académicas digitais e os métodos digitais", coordenado por Chiara Carrozza.
Nota biográfica
Tommaso Venturini is ‘professeur associé’ and coordinator of the research activities at the Sciences Po Médialab (, which has as its scientific director Bruno Latour. Before taking up his position at the Sciences Po Médialab, Tommaso Venturini trained initially in sociology and media studies at the University of Bologna, and completed a PhD in Information Society at the University of Milano Bicocca and a post-doc in Sociology of Modernity at the Department of Philosophy and Communication of the University of Bologna. He was also visiting student at UCLA and visiting researcher at the CETCOPRA of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne.
At Sciences Po, Venturini teaches Controversy Mapping, Digital Methods, Data Journalism and STS at graduate and undergraduate level, and has led several research projects. He is currently the leading scientist of the projects EMAPS (Electronic Maps To Assist Public Science) and MEDEA (Mapping Environmental DEbates on Adaptation) and WP leader In the project FORCCAST (FORmation par la Cartographie des Controverses à l’Analyse des Sciences et Techniques). Tommaso Venturini has also founded a web design agency and worked in several online communication projects.
Among his several publications he has published two influential review articles on exploring controversies with Actor-Network Theory, and on its representation with digital methods:
Venturini, T. (2010), "Diving in Magma: How to Explore Controversies with Actor-Network Theory", Public Understanding of Science, 20:4 Venturini, T. (2012), "Building on Faults: How to Represent Controversies with Digital Methods", Public Understanding of Science, 21:7
Tommaso Venturini will be at CES, in collaboration with the exploratory project "The Importance of Being Digital: Exploring digital scholarship and digital methods", funded by FCT, and coordinated by Chiara Carrozza.