INTERACT: Intercultural Active Citizenship Education




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- INTERACT Publications

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INTERACT Publications

(forthcoming) Guilherme, M.; Pureza, J.M; Silva, R. P.; Santos, H. (2006) “The Intercultural Dimension of Citizenship Education in Portugal” In Byram, M.; Flemming, M. Education for Intercultural Citizenship: concepts and comparisons. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Other Related Publications

- Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitet, Denmark

Haas, C. “Multicultural manifesto for the past and the future”, Danish newspaper Politiken, December 27th 2005.

Haas, C. (2004) “Den offentlige sfære som interkultural demokratisk dannelse”. (The public sphere as intercultural democratic education). Historie & Samfundsfag, No. 4, December 2004.

Haas, C. (2005) “Politik, nation og kristendomskundskab” (Politics, nation and the [the school subject] Christianity). Religionslæreren 101 (2), 2005

- Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal

Guilherme, M.; Phipps, A. (eds.) (2004) Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Language and Intercultural Communication. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
“Critical Pedagogy”, a special issue of Language and Intercultural Communication (3/3).

Guilherme, M.; Phipps, A. (eds.) (2004) “Critical Pedagogy”. Language and Intercultural Communication (Special Issue, 3/3)

Pureza, J.M. (2004) “Quem salvou Timor Leste? Novas referências para o internacionalismo solidário” (Who saved East Timor? New references for international solidarity), in Santos, B. (org.): Reconhecer para libertar. Os caminhos do cosmopolitismo multicultural. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2003. Porto, Afrontamento, 2004 

Pureza, J.M. (2004) “O Direito Internacional, esse estranho ser” (International Law, that strange thing), JanusAnuário de Relações Exteriores

Pureza, J.M.; Portas, M. (2004) “Do atlantismo ao europeísmo de esquerda” (From Atlantism to left-wing europeism), in Louçã, F. E Rosas, F. (orgs.), Ensaio Geral. Passado e Futuro do 25 de Abril. Lisboa, Dom Quixote

Pureza, J.M. “Vuelve la batalla por la reforma de la ONU”, in Anuario CIP. Madrid: Icaria Editorial, 2004-09-01

Pureza, J.M. (2004) “Who saved East Timor? New references for international solidarity”, South European Society & Politics, 9 (2), Autumn 2004

Pureza, J.M. (2004) “Os múltiplos dialectos da emancipação” (The Multiple Dialects of Emancipation), in Marnoto, R. (coord.), Leonardo Express. Coimbra: Instituto de Estudos Italianos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra / Editorial do Departamento de Arquitectura da FCTUC.

Pureza, J.M.; Moura, T. (2004) “O regresso da paz negativa?” (The return of negative peace?), Revista de História das Ideias, vol. 25.

Pureza, J.M. (2005) “Lusofonia ou as perversões da nostalgia” (Lusophonie or the perversion of nostalgia), Rua Larga, Revista da reitoria da Universidade de Coimbra, nº 7, January.

Pureza, J.M. (2005) “O tempo da guerra eterna?” (The time of eternal war?), Janus 2005. Anuário de Relações Exteriores, Público/UAL

Pureza, J.M. (2005) “Le Portugal et le nouveau internationalisme” (Portugal and New Internationalism), Pôle Sud, Revue de Science Politique de l’Europe Méridionale, nº 22, May 2005

Pureza, J.M.; Cravo, T. (2005) “Margem crítica e legitimação nos estudos para a paz” (Critical margin and legitimation in peace studies), Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 71, June 2005

Pureza, J.M (2005) “Defensive and oppositional counter-hegemonic uses of international law: from the International Criminal Court to the common heritage of humankind”, in Santos, B. e Rodríguez-Garavito, C. (orgs), Law and globalization from below. Towards a cosmopolitan legality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

- Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain

Castro, P. (2005) “Objectives of foreign language education and culture teaching time”. In Sercu, L. (Ed.), et al Foreign Language Teachers and Intercultural Communication. An International Investigation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Sercu, L., Méndez García, M.C. y Castro Prieto, P. (2005). “Culture Learning from a Constructivist Perspective. An investigation of Spanish Foreign Language Teachers’ Views”. Language & Education, vol. 19: 6. (pp. 483- 495)

Castro, P., Sercu, L y Méndez García, M.C. (2004). “Integrating language and culture teaching: an investigation of Spanish teacher’s perception of the objectives of foreign language education”. Intercultural Education, vol. 15: 1. (pp. 91- 104)

Sercu, L., Méndez García, M.C. y Castro, P. (2004). “Culture teaching in foreign language education. EFL teachers in Spain as cultural mediators”. PortaLinguarum, nº 1. (pp. 85- 102)

- Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights Education, University of Leeds, UK
   Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Osler, A.; Starkey, H. (2005) Changing Citizenship: democracy and inclusion in education Open University Press.

Osler, A., Starkey, H. (eds.) Citizenship and Language Learning: international perspectives. Trentham

Osler, A. (ed.) (2005) Teachers, Human Rights and Diversity. Trentham.

Osler, A. & Starkey, H. (2005) “Violence in schools and representations of young people: a critique of government policies in France and England”, Oxford Review of Education, 31(2), pp. 191-211.

Starkey, H. (2005) “Democratic Education and Learning”, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 26(2), pp. 299-308.

Book Reviews:

Osler, A. & Starkey, H. (2005) Study on the Advances in Civic Education in Education Systems: good practices in industrialized countries (Geneva, International Bureau of Education, UNESCO).

Osler, A. & Starkey, H. (2005) Education for Democratic Citizenship: a review of research, policy and practice 1995-2005.

Briefing Paper

September 2006

Newsletter INTERACT

Issue 1 - February 2006

Issue 2 - November 2006

Issue 3 - January 2007

Issue 4 - May 2007

Issue 5 - September 2007

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Centro de Estudos Sociais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade de Coimbra
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