VIII Annual Cycle Young Social Scientists
Fevereiro a Novembro de 2013
Since 2005, CES has organized an Annual Cycle of Conferences presenting national and international research produced by young scientists in the field of social sciences. This was set off by the centre’s goal of promoting dialogue with work produced within other institutions, based on a clearly interdisciplinary matrix. So far, we have counted on the contribution of some of the most prominent young social scientist from or working in Portugal, as well as others actors and knowledge, since people of other academic institutions, other academic areas and several civil society organizations have participated in these conferences.
Every edition has organized nine conferences of mensal periodicity, in cycles that begin in October and are extended until June of the following year. In 2013 it was decided to restrict the number of conferences, holding one per each CES research group.
Bringing forth researchers from other schools working upon varied scientific areas (Sociology, Anthropology, History, Economics, International Relations, Literary Studies, Education, Law, African Studies, Political Sciences and Philosophy), CES has thus sought to contribute towards the exchange of experiences and towards the discussion of their research results. The selection of the speakers for each cycle falls upon the excellence of the work they have come to develop in their pertaining institutions and their internationalization within the field of social and human sciences.
In each conference, debate has been promoted through commentary of CES researchers and students from post-graduate programmes.
Scientific Coordination: Miguel Cardina and Susana Costa
February 27, 2013 | 17h00-19h00
Manuel Abrantes | SOCIUS – Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa)
Condição e Ocupação: um estudo sobre as dinâmicas contemporâneas dos serviços domésticos
Comentary: Virgínia Ferreira (CES) and Cláudia Nogueira (CES)
Scientific field - Sociology (economic sociology, sociology of work, gender studies, migration studies)
March 20, 2013 | 17h00-19h00
Ricardo Noronha | Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Política e economia - a banca nacionalizada durante o PREC
Comentary: Álvaro Garrido (FEUC) and Nuno Teles (CES)
Scientific field – Contemporary History
May 22, 2013 | 17h00-19h00
Jason Keith Fernandes | Instituto Superior de Ciência do Trabalho e da Empresa - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Citizenship and the international management of populations
Comentary: Maria Paula Meneses (CES) and Cristiano Gianolla (CES)
Scientific field - anthropology, postcolonial comparative theory
September 18, 2013 | 17h00-19h00
Aline Afonso | Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Mulheres e práticas de financiamento para o acesso aos serviços de saúde na Guiné-Bissau
Comentador/a: Ana Raquel Matos (CES) e Marta Roriz (CES)
Scientific field - African Studies
November 30, 2013 | 17h00-19h00
Bruno Gil | Departamento de Arquitectura da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra
Centros de Investigação em Arquitectura. Para uma investigação nas Escolas de Arquitetura no século XXI
Comentadores: Jorge Figueira (CES) Armando Rabaça (CES)
Scientific Field – Architecture, Urbanism