Workshop | «Ciência in Loco»

Citizen Science in School: A talk from the experience of a pilot project

May 27, 2022, 14h15-15h45

Room 1, CES | Alta


Workshop organised in the scope of the project "Ciência in Loco", of the programme "Ciência Viva at CES", with the aim of sharing with the students of the Secondary School Jaime Cortesão, the work developed during the implementation of a pilot project of citizen science in Secondary Education and to debate the research development process.

Speakers: Directora do Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Centro, Conceição Malhó; Professoras Fátima Rebelo e Verónica Dankova; alunos e alunas da turma que integrou o projecto-piloto; Directora-Executiva do CES, Rita Pais; Acácio Machado (Biblioteca Norte|Sul); Rita Campos, Cláudia Carvalho, Vasco Martins, Joana Sousa, Denise Esteves, Filipa Queirós, Ana Maria Seixas, Mónica Lopes e Fernando Fontes.