
Oficina nº 463
Simian Narratives about Shared Worlds: Relationships between Humans and other Primates in Fiction and Non-Fiction Texts
Publication date
March, 2023
The essay analyses the relationships between humans and other primates from the perspective of sociocultural anthropology, environmental humanities and primatology in the face of modern-colonial processes. The complexity of these relationships includes evolution, cosmovisions and conceptions of nature and culture, but also themes such as race, gender and environment, among others. However, despite the positive impact of this production, there are large gaps in knowledge about the relationships between humans and other primates in their specific contexts. In this sense, the written and filmic, systemic and anti-systemic narratives stand out, which, in dialogue with other disciplines, can fulfil learning and imagination to reconcile more harmonious ways of sharing the world.
narrativas, moderno-colonial, raça, género, ambiente