CONfidetly ChangIng coLonIAl heRitagE
CONCILIARE addresses the ongoing change in Colonial Cultural Heritage (CCH). It intends to:
- Increase the understanding of changes in CCH in four key CCH domains of textbooks, public spaces, museums and cultural consumption of products and traditions;
- Advance knowledge on reactions to and representations of changes in CCH in the four CCH domains held by diverse sociodemographics groups (ethnic, gender, generation, and cultural contexts);
- Propose four different methods – one per domain – to promote confidence in changes in CCH.
To accomplish these objectives, CONCILIARE proposes an interdisciplinary (social sciences and humanities studies) and multi-methodological (small scale applied qualitative and quantitative) approach. Focus on changes in CCH as well as on the reactions to and representations of changes in CCH are transversal to the four CCH domains. Each domain will be covered by a specific work package (WP1-4) with methodologies linked to two broad research axes. Axis 1 on CCH: changes, reactions and representations and Axis 2 on Promoting confidence in changes in CCH. Four small scale pilot trials will be carried out – one per domain – in different European countries testing the effectiveness (assumptions and applications) of the proposed methods in fostering confidence in CCH change across the diversity of Europe.
CONCILIARE expected to achieve the outcome concerning a “deeper and broader understanding of the constantly changing nature of cultural heritage and of how this understanding can be effectively shared by citizens”, whereas outcome aimed at “the development of evidence-based methods, tested in small scale, to help citizens face current and future societal transformations with greater confidence”.