o Centro em Movimento
Arteria, coordinated academically by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and artistically by the theatre company O Teatrão proposes to reflect how the artistic activity can contribute to refound the foundations of citizenship , democracy and urban sustainability. The main theme is related to the fact that the initiative wishes to integrate multiple dimensions (artistic, cultural, civic and academic), articulated through a ' common platform ' . This platform aims to facilitate an integrated design of social and cultural issues of urban space, linking academic and non-academic knowledge. The project includes a partnership with the following cities/territories of the Centre Region:Coimbra, Figueira da Foz, Aveiro, Leiria, Viseu, Guarda, Castelo Branco, Belmonte, Nazaré e Tomar. The requierement for this is the creation of a network of institutions and cultural, artistic and academic organizations that function as an initiative of community and university extension , integrating different knowledge areas (social sciences, performing arts , urban planning, citizenship , cultural studies, music, dance, visual arts, among others). These partners propose to work in a concerted way for the creation of 'Artistic Intervention Projects ' in each place / territory.
- Creation of an online cultural mapping platform of the tangible and intangible cultural reality of the centre region (http://www.ces.uc.pt/projectos/arteria7/)
- Creation of 'Artistic Intervention Projects ' for each city / territory involved and contribute to the creation of a new cultural order in the centre region that can transform the cultural and social reality of the territories
- Development of a national and international sustainable cultural network that works to build cultural citizenship
- Articulation of different types of knowledge (local , academic , technical, artistic)
O Teatrão (coordinator)
Municípios de Coimbra, Figueira da Foz, Viseu, Guarda, Belmonte, Ourém, Fundão e Tábua
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Instituto Politécnio da Guarda, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
Claudino Ferreira
Luísa Trindade
Margarida Relvão
Nancy Duxbury
Paulo Peixoto
Sandra Xavier
European Fund for Regional Development
Portugal 2020