Gabriela de Freitas Figueiredo Rocha wins the 12th edition of CES Award
July 2021
The Jury for the 12th edition of the CES Award for Young Portuguese-speaking Scientists, comprised by Bruno Monteiro (Institute of Sociology, University of Porto), Cesaltina Abreu (Catholic University of Angola), Cristiana Bastos (Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon), Hermes Augusto Costa (CES/Faculty of Economy of the University of Coimbra), Leonardo Avritzer (Federal University of Minas Gerais), and chaired by CES Director António Sousa Ribeiro, awarded:
Gabriela de Freitas Figueiredo Rocha, for her work Para descolonizar a diferença: as trajetórias de indígenas urbanos brasileiros na defesa de suas identidades e na construção de um Estado intercultural [Decolonizing difference: the trajectories of urban indigenous Brazilians in defending their identities and building an intercultural State]
The jury highlighted the originality of the theme, the great theoretical and methodological solidity, the quality and diversity of the empirical approach within a complex fieldwork, the reflexive and self-reflexive capacity demonstrated and, in general, the level of excellence achieved.
O júri decidiu atribuir uma menção honrosa a Sara Margarida da Silva Matos pelo trabalho . The jury decided to award an honorable mention to Sara Margarida da Silva Matos for her work “Vigiar e/ou proteger?” Desafios da proteção de dados genéticos no combate à criminalidade no âmbito do sistema Prüm ["To watch and/or protect?" Challenges of genetic data protection in the fight against crime under the Prüm system]
The CES Award has a value of 5.000 euros.
About the Award
In 1999, the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra established a biennial award for young researchers (up to the age of 35) from Portuguese-speaking countries. CES Award is designed to distinguish high-quality work in the field of the Social Sciences and the Humanities. One of its main goals is to acknowledge studies that, for their outstanding merit, contribute to the development of the Portuguese-speaking scientific communities. The field of Social Sciences is here broadly understood.