Study Plan

Democracy in the 21st Century is an eight-semester program (240 ECTS). The first two semesters consist of six thematic seminars (10 ECTS each). The third semester includes a research methodology seminar (10 ECTS) and a thesis project preparation seminar (20 ECTS). The remaining five semesters are dedicated to research and the writing of the doctoral dissertation (150 ECTS).

1st year, 1st semester
Democratic Theories and Institutions (10 ECTS)
Ecological Crisis and Democracy (10 ECTS)
“Race” and Racism in Democratic Societies (10 ECTS)

2nd year, 2nd semester
Social Movements and Democracy (10 ECTS)
Public Policy and Civic Participation (10 ECTS)
Global Governance and Democracy (10 ECTS)

2nd year, 1st semester
Research Methodologies (10 ECTS)
Thesis Project (20 ECTS)

2nd year, 2nd semester, 3rd and 4th years
Thesis (150 ECTS)