
Discipline and Punish: prisons in the twenty first century

April 27, 2015, 17h00

Room 2, CES-Coimbra


European states have come to disclose, in general, an increase in seclusion, which has been pointed as a decision to increasingly criminalize behaviors and to harden and lengthen sentences, rather than an actual increase in crime log.

Foucault referred to the role of prison as essential in the “disciplinary society”, insofar as it occurs within in midst of society, inter-relating with other state institutions. In the process of prisonization (Donald Clemmer), the inmate adapts and socialize with other prisoners, according to the rules lived in prison, learning “new criminal techniques”. All intersects in prison and the power networks that there are established are the result of interactions between prisoners and technicians who work there and they are making the mediation of tensions with the interior and exterior of this institution.

This seminar intends to, through theoretical reflection and practical experience of professionals, discuss power relations in prisons, the role of prisons present societies, particularly with respect to European and Portuguese reality. What is the role of prison these days? Is it possible to re-socialize those who enter the system? What kind of projects are in practice implemented?

Each of the speakers will make an initial intervention 20 minutes, followed by a period of debate between these, commentators and the public.

Speakers | Luís Miranda Pereira – First President of the Social Reintegration Institute and Director General of the Prison Services, Retired.  João José Semedo Moreira –  Sociologist. Director of the DGRSP Organisation Planning and External Relations Services (TBC)

Comments | Paula Sobral and Rodrigo Guerra (PhD Candidate DJC XXI)

Moderator | Maria João Guia (PhD Candidate DJC XXI)

Organisers | João Pedroso and Maria João Guia