Papers in Conference Proceedings
Ares, Graziela (2024-09), "Freedom's Fury: violence, politics, and sport" in Portuguese Sociology Association (org.), Proceedings of the XII Portuguese Congress of Sociology Portuguese Association of Sociology. Portugal: Portuguese Sociology Association, 23.
Ares, Graziela; Grinspum, Denise (2023-09-18), ""IN MEMORIAM 1956. OKTÓBER 25.": THE MUSEUM AS AN INSTRUMENT TO FORGET IN BUDAPEST" in ANPOCS (org.), SciELO Preprints. Brazil: ANPOCS, 28.
Ares, Graziela (2022-05-25), "Language violence and the rights of linguistic minorities in India" in César Augusto R. Nunes et. al. (orgs.) (org.), Proceedings of Complete Articles of the VI CIDHCoimbra 2021 - Volume 8. Campinas, Jundiaí: Editora Brasílica, Edições Brasil, 71-83.
Villen, Gabriela; Ares, Graziela; Gitahy, Leda; Tessler, Leandro (2022-02-23), "Balbúrdia" in ESOCITE.BR (org.), Boletim CTS em foco - Vol.2, Nº 1. Brazil: ESOCITE, 117-123.
Ares, Graziela (2022-01-14), "Eclipse of memories and the far right: interventions in the Lipótváros district in Budapest, Hungary" in ANPOCS (org.), GT10 - Contemporary challenges of social memory: objects, collections and inheritances. Brazil: ANPOCS, 25.
Ares, Graziela; Gitahy, Leda; Villen, Gabriela (2020-11), "Science, Politics and Pandemic" in Latin American Association of Anthropology - ALA (org.), 15.