Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of Unlocking the Power of Rural CCIs: The Intersection of Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Reykjavík, Iceland, 30 to 30 May by 2025 (com Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir, Anna Duxbury, Nancy).

Organization of Bridging the Research to Practice Gap through Community Engaged Research, featuring Ritika Sharma Kurup (Ohio State University), CES, University of Coimbra, 19 to 19 March by 2025.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Making Sense of Community-Engaged Research Methods: Stories from the Field, For the Field, seminar/workshop featuring Stuart R. Poyntz (Simon Fraser University), CES, University of Coimbra, 16 to 16 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy Silva, Sílvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session "Community-engaged research approaches with impact" in Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation, University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Carvalho, Claudia Pato; Poyntz, Stuart).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session "Connecting cultural mapping and cultural strategic planning" in Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation, University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy Garrett-Petts, W. F.).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session "Place-based innovation and regeneration: cultural actors as agents of change" in Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation, University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Abreu, Paula; Ferreira, Sílvia; Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir, Anna).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session "Rights-based governance models for cultural policy" in Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation, University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Ferreira, Isabel; Baltà, Jordi).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation (CULTURS international conference), University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Canto Moniz, Gonçalo; Ferreira, Claudino).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Where Cultural Mapping Meets Cultural and Social Planning: Exploring and Critiquing Selected Models of Community-University Collaboration, masterclass featuring Will Garrett-Petts and Cheryl Gladu (Thompson Rivers University), CES, University of Coimbra, 13 to 13 November by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy Silva, Sílvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of IN SITU Consortium meeting, "Labs and Strategy", Zlarin, Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia, 28 to 29 September by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Letinic, Antonija; Zamelli, Tamara).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Horizons of Sustainability: The Power of Creative Innovation for Transformation of Rural and Non-Urban Futures (IN SITU), Sibenik, Croatia, 25 to 27 September by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Silva, Sílvia; (Croatia), Kultura Nova Foundation).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Place-based Creative Solutions for Cultivating Caring and Sustainable Communities (CES-IN SITU Summer School), Zlarin, Šibenik-Knin County, Croatia, 20 to 24 September by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Silva, Sílvia; (Croatia), Kultura Nova Foundation).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Special session "Connecting Cultural Mapping and Long-Term Cultural Strategic Planning in Small Cities and Non-urban Areas" in RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024, London, 27 to 30 August by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Garrett-Petts, W. F.; Huntsman, Patricia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of IN SITU Consortium meeting, "Contributions and Diversifications", Galway, Ireland, 19 to 21 February by 2024 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola; Rainey, Mark; Collins, Patrick).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Charles Landry: Making the most of Coimbra's potential , FEUC, University of Coimbra, 14 to 14 November by 2023 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Abreu, Paula; Ferreira, Claudino; Ringen, Lena).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Special session "Outside the frame: creative, cultural and innovative dynamics in non-urban regions" (2 panels) in the 62nd European Regional Science Association Congress, Alicante, Spain, 28 August to 01 September 2023 (com Cortinovis, Nicola; Pinto, Hugo; Torre, André; Duxbury, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of IN SITU Consortium meeting, "Mapping and Diagnoses" , Rauma, Finland, 30 May to 01 June 2023 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Siivonen, Katriina; Di Nunzio, Paola).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Vamos conversar sobre Mapeamento Cultural?, Coimbra (via Zoom), 16 to 16 March by 2023 (com Nunes, Nathalie; Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, Claudia).

Organization of Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience, Ribeira Grande, São Miguel Island, Azores, 08 to 10 November by 2022.

Organization of IN SITU Kick-Off meeting, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, 11 to 12 October by 2022.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CREATOUR Azores IdeaLab No. 4, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, 30 to 30 September by 2022 (com Vinagre De Castro, Tiago Duxbury, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Creative tourism workshop for Come & See Festival, hosted by LAG Kavala Development Agency, in the context of the project Come & See, funded through the CLLD/ LEADER Local Program, Kavala, Greece, 23 to 24 July by 2022 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona; Cordeiro, Patricia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Session "Cultural mapping in the city's co-creation processes toward sustainability," in Nature for Innovative and Inclusive Urban Regeneration (NATiURB), Milan, Italy, 16 to 17 June by 2022 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Nunes, Nathalie ; Boon, Laëtitia; Tasheva-Petrova, Milena).

Organization of Panel "Rethinking-through-practice: engaging with ecologies of knowledges, cultures, and collaboration in smaller communities" in Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-engaged Research, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada, 26 to 29 May by 2022.

Organization of Tactical Mobilization of Grief: Making Violence Visible in the case of the Quebec Mosque shooting, Seminar by Yasmin Jiwani (Research Chair in Intersectionality, Violence & Resistance, Concordia University, Canada), CES, Coimbra, 28 to 28 April by 2022.

Organization of GISU Alliance webinars (2 sessions) on "Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism: Insights for Post-pandemic Re-emergence" organized within the context of the Digital and Entrepreneurship Academy of the GISU Alliance coordinated by Guangzhou University, China, April 21, 2022 (via Zoom). Lead organizer, with involvement of other invited lecturers from the University of Quebec at Montreal, Western Sydney University, Guangzhou University, Durban University of Technology, and Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute., Coimbra (via Zoom), 21 to 21 April by 2022.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CES Summer School: Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place, Caldas da Rainha, 21 to 25 March by 2022 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre De Castro, Tiago; Silva, Silvia; Carvalho, Claudia; Baptista, Mariana Calaça; Henriques, Nicola).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Book Presentation: Creative Tourism: Activating Cultural Resources and Engaging Creative Travellers, London (2 sessions, via Zoom), 09 to 10 December by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, Cláudia; Albino, Sara).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CREATOUR Azores IdeaLab No. 3, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, 23 to 24 November by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy Vinagre de Castro, Tiago).

Organization of Cultural Mapping Conversations series (2021), Australia, India, South Korea , 04 August to 03 December 2021.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Values in non-professional participation in cultural and artistic activities: Examples from the UNCHARTED project, panel session organized within the KISMIF Conference 2021, Porto, 06 to 10 July by 2021 (com Carvalho, Cláudia Pato de ; Abreu, Paula; Silva, Sílvia; Duxbury, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Highlighting distinctiveness: Connecting travel to community and sense of place (CREATOUR International webinar), Coimbra (via Zoom), 03 to 03 June by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy Bakas, Fiona).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Connecting creators to tourism: Building bridges and preparing for re-entry into a new paradigm (CREATOUR International webinar), Coimbra (via Zoom), 06 to 06 May by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy Bakas, Fiona).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Creative Tourism: Demonstrating local actions towards SDGs, two special sessions within INVTUR 2020 Conference "Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals: From theory to practice" (May 7), Aveiro (via Zoom), 06 to 07 May by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Richards, Greg; Bakas, Fiona).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CREATOUR Azores IdeaLab No. 2, Ponta Delgada (via Zoom), 30 to 30 April by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy Vinagre de Castro, Tiago).

Member of the Organizing Committee of What's happening now? Experimentation in delivery modes of creative tourism: in presence to online and back again, gradually (CREATOUR International webinar), Coimbra (via Zoom), 01 to 01 April by 2021 (com Duxbury, Nancy Bakas, Fiona).

Organization of So, what's next? The role of creative tourism in the regeneration of communities (CREATOUR International webinar no. 1), Coimbra (webinar), 02 to 02 June by 2020.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CREATOUR Azores IdeaLab No. 1, Ponta Delgada, 10 to 11 December by 2019 (com Castro, Tiago; Silva, Silvia; Duxbury, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Creative Tourism Dynamics: Connecting Travellers, Communities, Cultures and Places, Faro, 23 to 25 October by 2019 (com U. Algarve, CREATOUR-CIEO research team,; Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia).

Member of the Organizing Committee of CreA(c)tivar o Fazer Científico nas Ciências Sociais e Humanidades (CES Summer School), Coimbra, 09 to 13 September by 2019 (com Taborda Silva, Patricia; Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, Maria José; de Noronha, Susana).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Uncovering Cultural DNA of Place, and Activating for Local Development (CES-CREATOUR Summer School), HIESE Smart Rural Incubator, Penela, Portugal, 08 to 12 July by 2019 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Ghilardi, Lia; Scherf, Kathleen; Bakas, Fiona; Castro, Tiago; Silva, Silvia; Figueiredo, Humberto).

Organization of Activating 'intangible' cultural resources: Narrative and heritage underpinning creative community tourism and place-making in Cape Town, South Africa, and Ilha de Deus (Recife), Brazil, Coimbra, 05 to 05 July by 2019.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CREATOUR Inter-Regional IdeaLab, Universidade de Aveiro, 09 to 10 May by 2019 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia; Castro, Tiago; Bakas, Fiona).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Oeste Creative Tourism, Silos Contentor Criativo, Caldas da Rainha, 27 to 27 April by 2019 (com Castro, Tiago; Silva, Silvia; Duxbury, Nancy; Calaça Baptista , Mariana; Henriques, Nicola).

Organization of URBiNAT Workshop on participatory methodologies related to "Stories" (cultural mapping, photovoice, forbidden cities, footsteps maps), Sofia, Bulgaria, 24 to 24 January by 2019.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 5.0 - Algarve, Faro, 10 to 11 January by 2019.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 5.0 - Centro, Abrantes, 07 to 08 January by 2019.

Organization of CREATOUR IdeaLab 5.0 - Norte, Braga, 13 to 14 December by 2018.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab - Alentejo, Évora, 10 to 11 December by 2018.

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Congress on Cultural Mapping: Linking Heritage (Tangible and Intangible) and Creative Tourism, University of Évora, Évora, 29 to 30 November by 2018 (com CIDEHUS team, CREATOUR; University of Évora, Cátedra UNESCO "Património Imaterial e Saber-Fazer Tradicional: Ligando Patrimónios," ; Duxbury with CREATOUR CES team, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Special Thamatic Session: Current Imperatives in Cultural Policy-making: Establishing Evidence-based and Participatory Approaches, at the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR), Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August by 2018 (com Dunphy, Kim Duxbury, Nancy).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Emerging and Future Trends in Creative Tourism, Braga, 07 to 09 June by 2018 (com Lab2PT team, CREATOUR Duxbury, Nancy).

Organization of O lado Humano das cidades inteligentes: Seminar by Claudio Nascimento (Vice Presidente da Rede Brasileira de Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas: Cidades Inteligentes e Humanas), João Souza (CEO, FAVELA: Projecto FAVELA, capacitação e empreendedorismo), Mônica Bouqvar (Projecto Memaker, digitalização e empoderamento), and moderated by Silvia Ferreira (CES), CES, Coimbra, 10 to 10 May by 2018.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 4.0: Algarve, Faro, 06 to 07 April by 2018.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 4.0: Norte, Braga, 09 to 10 March by 2018.

Organization of Seminar: Talking Dance: A globalized improvisational ethnography, by Rose Martin, Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries, University of Auckland, New Zealand, CES, Coimbra, 14 to 14 February by 2018.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 3.0: Centro, Coimbra, 04 to 04 December by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 3.0: Norte, Braga, 30 to 30 November by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 3.0: Algarve, Faro, 03 to 03 November by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 3.0: Alentejo, Evora, 30 to 30 October by 2017.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Culture, Sustainability, and Place: Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development, Ponta Delgada, 11 to 13 October by 2017 (com Duxbury, Nancy Scherf, Kathleen).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Creative Tourism in Small Cities and Rural Areas, Special Thematic Session at the 24th APDR Congress, "Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New Landscapes and Challenges for Planning the Space" , Covilhã, 06 to 07 July by 2017 (com Costa, Pedro; Duxbury, Nancy; Cruz, Ana Rita).

Organization of The State of the Art in Creative Tourism: Leading Research | Advanced Practices | Future Trajectories, Coimbra, 01 to 02 June by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 1.0-2.0: Alentejo, Evora, 09 to 10 May by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 1.0-2.0: Norte, Braga, 04 to 05 May by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 1.0-2.0: Centro, Condeixa, 28 to 29 April by 2017.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 1.0-2.0: Algarve, Faro, 21 to 22 April by 2017.

Organization of Arte, cultura e transformação social nas favelas brasileiras, Seminar by Clarice de Assis Libânio (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Favela é Isso Aí, Belo Horizonte, Brazil), Coimbra, 25 to 25 October by 2016.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Artistic and other Creative Practices as Drivers for Urban Resilience (CES Summer School), Espinho, 05 to 07 September by 2016 (com Duxbury, Nancy Kagan, Sacha).

Organization of Seminar: Architecture "with the other 90%" - an African Story, Seminar by Milia Lorraine Khoury (Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa), CES, Coimbra, 21 to 21 June by 2016.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminar: Investigação em Rede sobre Sustantabilidade Cultural, on the results of a multidisciplinary investigation in the context of COST Action IS 1007 "Investigating Cultural Sustainability" and reflections about the participation of Portuguese researchers in COST networks., ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, 09 to 09 December by 2015 (com Freitas, Raquel Duxbury, Nancy).

Organization of Mapping Culture: Debating Places and Spaces, Valletta, Malta, 21 to 24 October by 2015.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Research Paper Session, 'Valuing Culture I: Inside and outside cultural statistics frameworks - extending the boundaries of cultural value', at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association, held within the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) 2015 Congress., Ottawa, Canada, 03 to 05 June by 2015 (com Duxbury, Nancy Jeannotte, M. Sharon).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Research Paper Session, 'Valuing Culture II: Culture in sustainable development and wellbeing frameworks - international, national, and local perspectives', at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association, held within the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) 2015 Congress., Ottawa, Canada, 03 to 05 June by 2015 (com Duxbury, Nancy Jeannotte, M Sharon).

Member of the Organizing Committee of 'Operationalizing Culture in the Sustainable Development of Cities', Parallel Research Paper Session at the international transdisciplinary conference 'Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices'., Helsinki, Finland, 06 to 08 May by 2015 (com Duxbury, Nancy Cullen, Catherine).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Parallel Research Paper Session, ´Local Museums and Heritage Sites: What Roles in Community Transitions?', at the international transdisciplinary conference 'Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices'., Helsinki, Finland, 06 to 08 May by 2015 (com Sancho Querol, Lorena; Stylianou-Lambert, Theopisti; Duxbury, Nancy).

Organization of Seminar: 'Net-garden: Art, Nature & Society or the need for a relational vision of organic and social life', by Lorena Lozano (Departments of Sociology and Art History, University of Oviedo, Spain), Coimbra, 27 to 27 April by 2015.

Organization of eSeminar: 'Communicating Water Sustainability through Interdisciplinary Creative Practice: The Fluid City Project, Auckland, New Zealand, live broadcast eSeminar by Dr. Alys Longley (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Coimbra, 27 to 27 March by 2015.

Member of the Organizing Committee of CCARQ Writing Circle Workshop Series , CES, Coimbra, 18 December 2014 (com Duxbury, Nancy; Providência, Paulo; Mendiratta, Sidh).

Organization of International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) , Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September by 2014.

Organization of Thematic Session on 'Beyond the Creative City: Cultural (Policy) Pathways towards Sustainable Urban Development' at the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) , Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September by 2014.

Organization of Mapping Culture: Communities, Sites and Stories, Coimbra, 28 to 30 May by 2014.

Organization of Distributing Culture / Distributing Research , CES Coimbra, 27 to 27 May by 2014.

Organization of Panel session on 'Digital Worlds: Mapping Local Cultures and Telling Local Stories' at the World Social Science Forum, 'Social transformations and the digital age' , Montreal, 13 to 15 October by 2013.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Urban (ir)rationalities: Between global dynamics and local collective actions - 23rd conference of the International Network of Urban Research and Action (INURA) , Lisbon, Coimbra, Curia, 23 to 30 June by 2013 (com Duxbury, Nancy Allegretti, Giovanni).

Organization of Thematic Session on 'Investigating Culture, Cultural Policy, and Sustainable Development' at the International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) 2012: 'Culture, politics and cultural policies', Barcelona, 09 to 12 July by 2012.

Organization of Reinventing the City: Participation and Innovation - Summer School, Lisboa, 02 to 07 July by 2012.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Themed day on 'New Social Networks and Creative Urban Cultures' within the 'Reinventing the City: Participation and Innovation' Summer School, Lisbon, 02 to 07 July by 2012 (com Duxbury, Nancy Valadares, Marcelo).

Organization of Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions, Coimbra, 28 to 30 June by 2012.

Organization of Planning for culturally vibrant and sustainable communities: comparing Canadian and European approaches (Seminar), CES-Lisboa, 18 to 18 May by 2012.

Organization of Placing Culture in Sustainable Development: Policies, Strategies and Processes (COST Action IS1007 - Investigating Cultural Sustainability), Coimbra, 14 to 16 May by 2012.

Member of the Organizing Committee of A Água como Património Workshop, FEUC, Coimbra, 03 to 03 October by 2011 (com Duxbury, Nancy Peixoto, Paulo).

Organization of Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Innovation and Sustainability, Coimbra, 27 to 30 September by 2011.

Organization of Session on "Sharing regional expertise in urban cultural planning" at Symposium on Cascadia-region Cultural Planning and Development, Portland, USA, 07 to 07 November by 2008.

Organization of Creative Construct: Building for Culture and Creativity, Ottawa, Canada, 28 April to 01 May 2008.

Organization of The State of Cultural Infrastructure: Policy and Issues Dialogues (6 events), Vancouver, Saskatoon, Ottawa, Montreal, and Halifax, 16 November 2007 to 17 March 2008.

Organization of Capturing Our Value, a full-day workshop on cultural indicators , Saskatoon, Canada, 29 to 29 September by 2007.

Organization of Cities and Communities: Cultural Indicators at the Local Level, Ottawa, Canada, 27 to 27 November by 2006.

Organization of Making Space for Culture: Planning Cultural Infrastructure, Toronto, Canada, 18 to 18 October by 2006.

Organization of Creative City Network founding conference, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, 06 to 09 November by 2002.

Organization of Cultural Development in Canada's Cities: Linking Research, Planning, and Practice, Toronto, Canada, 31 May to 01 June 2002.

Organization of CREATOUR Regional IdeaLab 4.0: Centro, Coimbra, 20 March 16.

Presentations in scientific events

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Creative tourism as catalyst: Interweaving culture, place, and collaboration for revitalization and regeneration [keynote]", paper presented at Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Tourism (HART) international conference, Portalegre (Alto Alentejo), 28 to 29 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Place-based innovation of cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: The IN SITU project", paper presented at EPRC European Policy Webinar Series, European Policies Research Centre (EPRC) at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (online), 14 to 14 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Heritage-based creative tourism for revitalization and regeneration: Interweaving culture, place, and collaboration [keynote]", paper presented at FORTE CULTURA Annual Congress 2025: Heritage and Creativity for Sustainable and Inclusive Tourism in Fortified Spaces: Strategies of sustainable development for monuments, cities and regions , Forte di Bard, Italy, 27 to 29 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Creative tourism and local regenerative approaches", paper presented at COSM 3 Cultural Management and 3D of Sustainability, HUMAK, Helsinki, Finland, 04 to 04 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2025), "Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas (IN SITU)", paper presented at Meeting of EMES Network's Culture and Arts Social Enterprise (CASE) Affinity Group, (Zoom), 15 to 15 January.

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Di Nunzio, Paola (2024), "Place-based innovation of cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: Learning through interweaving research and practice in the IN SITU project", paper presented at Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation (CULTURS international conference), University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November.

Duxbury, Nancy; Vinagre de Castro, Tiago; Silva, Sílvia (2024), "Culture-tourism entanglements: Moving from grassroots practices to regenerative cultural policies in smaller communities", paper presented at Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation (CULTURS international conference), University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Welcome! Boas-vindas!", paper presented at Towards creative resilience? Re-imagining urban cultures, sociabilities and participation (CULTURS international conference), University of Coimbra, 14 to 15 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Islands, heritage, and creativity: Observations on the Azores archipelago", paper presented at Islands and Heritage Symposium, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, 06 to 07 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Place-based innovation of cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: The IN SITU project", paper presented at Art and Regional Revitalization - From Mainland to Islands (2024 International Academic Conference), Zhouqian Art Community, Zhouqian Village, Guangdong Province, China, 01 to 06 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Place-based innovation and cultural entrepreneurship in non-urban contexts", paper presented at C-SHIP series 4, webinar 2 on "Cultural Entrepreneurship and Social Return on Investment (SROI)" , ICHEC Brussels Management School (via Zoom), 24 to 24 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Welcome to the Horizons of Sustainability conference", paper presented at IN SITU Conference, "Horizons of Sustainability: The Power of Creative Innovation for Transformation of Rural and Non-Urban Futures", Sibenik, Croatia, 25 to 27 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Explorations into the cultural and creative sector of non-urban contexts: Overview of the IN SITU project", paper presented at IN SITU Conference, "Horizons of Sustainability: The Power of Creative Innovation for Transformation of Rural and Non-Urban Futures", Sibenik, Croatia, 25 to 27 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Closing words", paper presented at IN SITU Conference, "Horizons of Sustainability: The Power of Creative Innovation for Transformation of Rural and Non-Urban Futures", Sibenik, Croatia, 25 to 27 September.

Duxbury, Nancy; Joffe, Avril; Rainey, Mark Justin (2024), "Session facilitator, "Communities as centres of sustainability" with Avril Joffe and Mark Rainey", paper presented at CES Summer School "Place-based Creative Solutions for Cultivating Caring and Sustainable Communities", Sibenik, Croatia, 21 to 24 September.

Duxbury, Nancy; Di Nunzio, Paola (2024), "Introduction to CCIs in rural and non-urban contexts", paper presented at CES Summer School "Place-based Creative Solutions for Cultivating Caring and Sustainable Communities", Zlarin (Sibenik), Croatia, 20 to 24 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Background of special issue, "Cultural Policy Actions towards Urban Sustainability: Research and Practice Collaborations," of the journal City, Culture and Society", paper presented at Practice-Research Collaboration in Cultural Policy for Urban Sustainability, Dublin, Ireland (via Zoom), 17 to 17 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Exploring place-based cultural and creative work and innovation in non-urban areas: The IN SITU project", paper presented at Rural.Culture.Policy., University of Hildesheim, Germany, 05 to 06 September.

Duxbury, Nancy; Rainey, Mark Justin; Collins, Patrick (2024), "In situ culture: Revealing cultural and creative ecosystems in nonurban areas", paper presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024, London, 27 to 30 August.

Duxbury, Nancy; Garrett-Petts, W. F. (2024), "The Challenges and Promises of Re-situating Participatory Cultural Mapping as Community-centred Work", paper presented at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024, London, 27 to 30 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Exploring place-based innovation of CCIs in non-urban areas to build capacity and improve policy frameworks: The IN SITU project", paper presented at Collaborate & Innovate: Boosting Creative Potential in the Azores, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, 04 to 04 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Reflections on situated investigations of culture and local development", paper presented at Multifaceted Culture and Local Development - special issue launch, Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science, Milan, Italy (online), 13 to 13 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Place-based cultural sustainability and vitality in a time of transition", paper presented at Sostenibilidad, museos y patrimonio cultural: la cultura, un pilar imprescindible (Sustainability, museums and cultural heritage: culture as an essential pillar), L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, Valéncia, Spain, 06 to 08 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "The importance of culture and cultural heritage for peripheral areas & cultural heritage-rethinking its potential", paper presented at European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC) "Closing the Gap" Roundtable, Broumov, Czech Republic, 23 to 24 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Explorations in place-based cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: The IN SITU and CREATOUR projects", paper presented at Meeting of Hradec Králové regional government and regional cultural institutions, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 22 to 22 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Explorations in place-based cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: The IN SITU and CREATOUR projects", paper presented at Meeting of national and regional cultural agents in Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, 21 to 21 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Welcoming remarks on culture and local sustainability", paper presented at Catalysing Just Sustainability Transitions: Socio-Cultural Pathways from Non-Urban Areas (satellite event of the New European Bauhaus Festival), Brussels (online), 17 to 17 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Explorations in place-based cultural and creative work in non-urban areas: The CREATOUR and IN SITU projects", paper presented at INCULTUM International Conference: Visiting the Margins: Innovative Cultural Tourism in European Peripheries, Guadix, Spain, 12 to 12 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Creative tourism dimensions and models", paper presented at Tourism ecosystem in rural areas: Lifestyle entrepreneurs and creative tourism (Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program), Lisbon (online), 04 to 04 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2024), "Creative tourism approaches, influences, and shifting perspectives", paper presented at Cultural Management and Dimensions of Sustainability: Environmental, Social & Economic, Helsinki, Finland (via Zoom), 27 to 27 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Participation in panel on "The role of alternative cultural places for sustainable cities,"", paper presented at European Alter-Places Symposium: Exploring eco-practices for sustainable alternative cultural places, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers (Paris), France, 14 to 15 December.

Duxbury, Nancy; Zarlenga, Matias (2023), "Project book. Chapter 5: Glossary of terms and map of case studies", paper presented at UNCHARTED project consortium working meeting and policy seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 07 to 08 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Keynote: What is the approach of UNCHARTED to the impact of culture?", paper presented at 5th UCLG Culture Summit "Culture. Future. Goal. We Act to Bring Local Visions to Global Tables", Dublin, Ireland, 28 November 01 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Keynote: Tourism. creative industries, and cultural sustainability: A creative tourism perspective", paper presented at 5th UCLG Culture Summit "Culture. Future. Goal. We Act to Bring Local Visions to Global Tables", Dublin, Ireland, 28 November 01 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Cultural Mapping", paper presented at Interdisciplinary masterclass, Department of Geography, University of Galway, Ireland, 23 to 23 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas", paper presented at RURACTIVE Open Conference, Bologna, Italy, 14 to 14 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Exploring the nature of place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas: The IN SITU project", paper presented at 62nd European Regional Science Association Congress, Alicante, Spain, 28 August 01 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Cultural mapping in transdisciplinary research", paper presented at Intercultural Dynamics of Communication and Diversity (Cultures), University of Augsburg, Germany, 26 to 26 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Cultural and creative work, place-based development, and regenerative dynamics", paper presented at ISUC-APU Spotlight Dialogue Session (Live Podcast), episode 21, Integrated Sustainability & Urban Creativity Centre (ISUC), at Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21 to 21 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "IN SITU: Place-based innovation of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas", paper presented at Meeting of the EMES Network's Culture and Arts Social Enterprise (CASE) Affinity Group , (via Zoom), 09 to 09 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "IN SITU: Exploring place-based innovation of CCIs in non-urban areas to build capacity and improve policy frameworks", paper presented at Áhrif skapandi greina á landsbyggðum [The impact of creative industries in rural areas], Bifröst University, at creative hub, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26 to 26 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Cultural mapping: Approaches to mapping intangibles", paper presented at Cultural Mapping: A New Lens for Integration (block-seminar, 28 April-19 June), Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany (via Zoom), 26 May 19 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Creative tourism dynamics and approaches: Insights from the CREATOUR project in Portugal", paper presented at Cultural Management and Dimensions of Sustainability: Environmental, Social & Economic / COSM - Culture, Organisation and Sustainability Management programme, Arts and Cultural Management School, HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki/Turku, Finland , 09 to 09 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Participation in final "Reflection" session ", paper presented at Cultural Mapping: A New Lens for Integration (block-seminar, 28 April-19 June), Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany (via Zoom), 28 April 19 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "The IN SITU project: Highlighting the potential of cultural and creative industries in non-urban areas in Europe", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, FEUC, University of Coimbra, 04 to 06 April.

Zúñiga Gougain, Sebastián; Pato de Carvalho, Cláudia ; Duxbury, Nancy; Abreu, Paula; Silva, Sílvia (2023), "A Filarmónica União Taveirense e o projeto "Fora dos Eixos": tensões na valorização do tradicional e do contemporâneo", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, FEUC, University of Coimbra, 04 to 06 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Interweaving culture, tourism, and community: How can research projects be platforms of knowledge sharing, co-learning, and connecting?", paper presented at TRU iDays, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, 06 to 10 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "IN SITU: an overview. A research project exploring place-based innovation of CCIs in non-urban areas", paper presented at First meeting with creative professionals IN SITU Finnish Lab, University of Turku, Finland (via Zoom), 15 to 15 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2023), "Looking back: Cultural participation", paper presented at Tensions in Societal Values of Culture: Can Value Conflicts be Managed or Mitigated?, Goldsmiths - University of London, London, UK, 12 to 12 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Creative tourism dynamics and approaches: Insights from the CREATOUR project in Portugal", paper presented at Cultural Management and Dimensions of Sustainability: Environmental, Social & Economic / COSM - Culture, Organisation and Sustainability Management, HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki|/Turku, Finland (via Zoom), 08 to 08 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "IN SITU: an overview. A research project exploring place-based innovation of CCIs in non-urban areas", paper presented at TERRITORY. SCALE. ACTION. Connecting cultural drivers of change in non-urban areas, organized by the European Network of Cultural Centres in the scope of its Working Group on Non-Urban Culture, Brussels (via Zoom), 07 to 07 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Conference resonances and reflections (presented within a Reflections Roundtable in the Closing Plenary)", paper presented at Creative tourism, regenerative development, and destination resilience, Ribeira Grande, Azores, 08 to 10 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Chair of the plenary session, "Looking forward: culture, tourism, and local development" and two concurrent sessions, "8.1 - Re-inventing place: Creative tourism for (in)tangible heritage(s)" and "10.2 - Tourism and post-pandemic resilience."", paper presented at Creative tourism, regenerative development, and destination resilience, Ribeira Grande, Azores, 08 to 10 November.

Bakas, Fiona; Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Creative tourism: making and relating in a 'third room' space", paper presented at "With In Dangerous Times" - Critical Tourism Studies IX, Menorca, 27 June 01 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Invited contribution to the workshop "The future of tourism: a regenerative approach to the visitor economy" ", paper presented at Localism: re-evaluating the future of culture, events and tourism, Centre for Culture, Sport, and Events (CCSE), at the University of the West of Scotland, 22 to 22 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Introduction to the session "Cultural mapping in the city's co-creation processes toward sustainability"", paper presented at Nature for Innovative and Inclusive Urban Regeneration (NATiURB), Milan, Italy, 16 to 17 June.

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia; Vinagre De Castro, Tiago (2022), "Cultural mapping and creative tourism: Planting seeds of regenerative local development", paper presented at Special public seminar on Cultural mapping and creative tourism, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, 03 to 03 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Making visible distributed knowledges: the promise of cultural mapping", paper presented at Horizons: Crisis and Social Transformation in Community-engaged Research, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, 26 to 29 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Creative tourism in small cities and rural areas: Inclusive strategies and development models (keynote)", paper presented at HINTS - Heritage Inclusive Tourism Symposium, Lamego, 11 to 12 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Portugal: Planting the seeds of regenerative tourism and local sustainable development", paper presented at Cultural Management and 3 Dimensions of Sustainability / COSM - Culture, Organisation and Sustainability Management, HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki|/Turku, Finland (via Zoom), 03 to 03 May.

Duxbury, Nancy; Gonçalves, Alexandra (2022), "CREATOUR", paper presented at Book presentation of CREATOUR: Catalisando o Turismo Criativo em Cidades de Pequena Dimensão e em Áreas Rurais (Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), Palácio Gama Lobo, Loulé, 22 to 22 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Introduction and moderation of session", paper presented at Session I: Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism: Insights for Post-pandemic Re-emergence, organized within the context of the Digital and Entrepreneurship Academy of the GISU Alliance coordinated by Guangzhou University, China, Coimbra (via Zoom), 21 to 21 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Introduction and moderation of session", paper presented at Session II: Entrepreneurship in Creative Tourism: Insights for Post-pandemic Re-emergence, organized within the context of the Digital and Entrepreneurship Academy of the GISU Alliance coordinated by Guangzhou University, China, Coimbra (via Zoom), 21 to 21 April.

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia (2022), "CREATOUR", paper presented at Book presentation of CREATOUR: Catalisando o Turismo Criativo em Cidades de Pequena Dimensão e em Áreas Rurais (Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra), Café Santa Cruz, Coimbra, 05 to 05 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Cultural mapping: history and contemporary approaches", paper presented at CES Summer School: Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place, Caldas da Rainha, 22 to 22 March.

Duxbury, Nancy; Nunes, Nathalie (2022), "Capturing living knowledge in urban neighbourhoods: Experiences of cultural mapping within the URBiNAT project", paper presented at 19th Urban Research Plaza's Forum, "Voices of Researchers & Practitioners in Urban Culture" , Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (via zoom), 10 to 11 March.

Carvalho, Claudia; Abreu, Paula; Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia (2022), "The social value(s) of culture: Insights from an urban community-engaged artistic project", paper presented at 19th Urban Research Plaza's Forum, "Voices of Researchers & Practitioners in Urban Culture", Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand (via zoom), 10 to 11 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Invited presentation on panel "Evidence-based planning and methodologies"", paper presented at 4th Shukuma Mzansi! SA-EU Dialogue: "Democracy in the Context of Culture", Sibikwa Arts Centre in Benoni, South Africa (via Zoom), 03 to 03 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Culture and sustainability", paper presented at "Sustainability. Multiple perspectives" in the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Cultural Policies, Scuola universitaria di Musica, Switzerland / Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Italy, Scuola universitaria di Musica, Switzerland (via zoom), 25 to 25 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Cultural workers in rural communities: Perspectives from Europe, in panel entitled "Characteristics of Rural and Remote Artistic Communities"", paper presented at Canadian Public Arts Funders Professional Development event 2022, Nunavut, Canada (via zoom), 22 to 24 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Invited seminar: Artistic approaches to cultural mapping", paper presented at Advanced Geography and Tourism (doctoral programme), KU Leuven, Belgium, 28 to 28 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "The CREATOUR project in Portugal: Creative tourism for regenerative trajectories", paper presented at Webinar of the Be.CULTOUR project (H2020) on circular cultural tourism, Europe (via zoom), 28 to 28 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2022), "Keynote: The CREATOUR project in Portugal: Planting seeds of creative tourism for meaningful development of small cities and rural areas", paper presented at Arts, Enterprise and Place in the Rural Creative Economy, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, 12 to 13 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Taking a cultural mapping approach: what does that mean today?", paper presented at 2021 IUH International Forum, Institute of Urban Humanities, University of Seoul, South Korea, 03 to 03 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Portugal: Planting the seeds of regenerative tourism and local sustainable development", paper presented at Cultural Management and 3 Dimensions of Sustainability, Helsinki, Finland (via Zoom), 30 to 30 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Creative tourism: dimensions, models, and community contributions", paper presented at International forum: Looking forward post-COVID lockdowns, Western Sydney University - Vietnam Campus (via Zoom), 25 to 25 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Artistic approaches to cultural mapping: its experimental heart? (Special guest lecture)", paper presented at Introduction to Art and Culture in the Global Age, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Japan (via Zoom), 19 to 19 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Closing panel participation: "Glocalisation" and implications for Arts and Cultural Education - connecting rural areas and regional roots with global processes and dynamics", paper presented at Art and Culture make a difference. On the role of arts and cultural education in rural areas, Genshagen Foundation, Germany (via Zoom), 19 to 19 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Creating Tourism: Fostering Tourism and Cultural Synergies for Localized Strategic Approaches to Revitalization", paper presented at The Alliance of Guangzhou International Sister-City Universities Annual Meeting, Western Sydney University, Australia, and Guangzhou University, Guangzhou (via Zoom), 10 to 10 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Cultural mapping: a platform for knowledge-building, dialogue, and expression", paper presented at Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens (Kass-Alex Winter School), Kassel University, Germany, and Alexandria University, Egypt (via Zoom), 06 to 14 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Creative tourism in Portugal: Bringing research and application together for an innovative, catalyzing approach", paper presented at Innovation@UC, iParque, Coimbra, 05 to 05 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Culture-based creative tourism: Fostering tourism and cultural synergies for localized, strategic approaches to revitalization", paper presented at GISU Alliance webinar, UQAM, Montreal, Canada (via Zoom), 28 to 28 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Cultural and Creative Ecologies", paper presented at Art & Tur Aveiro, Aveiro, 26 to 29 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia; Bakas, Fiona (2021), "Where to now? Searching for SE approaches to enable the post-pandemic re-emergence and sustainability of culture-based creative tourism in small cities and rural areas", paper presented at 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise "Social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action: Bringing principles and values to renew action", Zaragoza, Spain (hybrid), 04 to 07 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Cultural mapping for knowledge building and public dialogue", paper presented at Creative Methodologies for Uncovering Data on the Urban, Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 September 01 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "About the Cultural Mapping Conversations series", paper presented at Culture For All conference on Cultural Mapping (organized by Sahapedia), India (via Zoom), 28 to 29 September.

Carvalho, Claudia; Abreu, Paula; Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Sílvia (2021), "Os valores sociais das práticas artísticas comunitárias: o projeto "De Portas Abertas" | The social values of community artistic practices: "De Portas Abertas" Project", paper presented at IV International Meeting of Reflection on Community Artistic Practices, Porto, 21 to 24 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Emergent values of cultural participation in live arts and culture: plurality and tensions", paper presented at 1st UNCHARTED Workshop, "Cultural Values in the Cultural Sphere: a European perspective", University of Porto, Porto, 16 to 17 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Culture and Sustainable Tourism", paper presented at 4th UCLG Culture Summit "Culture: Shaping the Future", Izmir, Turkey, 09 to 11 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "About the Cultural Mapping Conversations series", paper presented at A Climate of Change: creative counter mapping methods for sensing place, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (via Zoom), 04 to 04 August.

Carvalho, Claudia; Duxbury, Nancy; Abreu, Paula; Silva, Sílvia (2021), "Values from community-engaged artistic projects", paper presented at KISMIF Conference 2021, Porto, 06 to 10 July.

Carvalho, Claudia; Duxbury, Nancy; Abreu, Paula; Silva, Silvia (2021), "Values from culture and community based creative tourism", paper presented at KISMIF Conference 2021, Porto, 06 to 10 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Extending place-specific cultural and artistic identities through creative tourism [keynote]", paper presented at II Encontro Internacional Lusófono Todas as Artes, "Todos os Nomes" , Porto, 01 to 02 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Quanto vale a Cultura? | How do we value culture?", paper presented at Encontro Ciênica 2021, Lisboa, 28 June 30 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Introduction to session and CREATOUR International", paper presented at Highlighting distinctiveness: Connecting travel to community and sense of place (CREATOUR International webinar), Coimbra (via Zoom), 03 to 03 June.

Bakas, Fiona; Silva, Silvia; Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Using ePortfolios to investigate the development of creative tourism activities [F. Bakas presented]", paper presented at THInC: 1st Tourism and Hospitality International Congress, Lisboa, 19 to 21 May.

Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona (2021), "Activating cultural resources and addressing SDGs through creative tourism", paper presented at INVTUR 2020 Conference "Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals: From theory to practice", Aveiro (via Zoom), 06 to 07 May.

Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona (2021), "Co-chair of session 1 of "Creative Tourism: Demonstrating local actions towards SDGs"", paper presented at INVTUR 2020 Conference "Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals: From theory to practice", Aveiro (via Zoom), 06 to 07 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Chair of session 2 of "Creative Tourism: Demonstrating local actions towards SDGs", paper presented at INVTUR 2020 Conference "Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals: From theory to practice", Aveiro (via Zoom), 06 to 07 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Introduction to session and CREATOUR International", paper presented at Connecting creators to tourism: Building bridges and preparing for re-entry into a new paradigm (CREATOUR International webinar), Coimbra (via Zoom), 06 to 06 May.

Boon, Laetitia; Caitana, Beatriz; Duxbury, Nancy; Nunes, Nathalie (2021), "Local Diagnostic - Stage 2: Cultural Mapping, Focus Group & Observation - Follower cities", paper presented at Webinar within the scope of the URBiNAT project, (via Zoom), 06 to 06 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Introduction and closing statements", paper presented at CREATOUR Azores IdeaLab No. 2, Ponta Delgada (via Zoom), 30 to 30 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Reinventing today, Looking forward: Culture in a time of transition", paper presented at Briefing Talk 1: Connection, Culture and Innovation: Culture as an engine for the innovation of territories in a phase of global resilience and economic recovery, Faro (online), 21 to 21 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Creative tourism and CREATOUR", paper presented at Online Technical Seminar of the Master Executive: Gestão de Unidades de Turismo em Espaço Rural, Castelo Branco (online), 22 to 22 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2021), "Linking cultural and creative work to rural development", paper presented at Wits International Summer School, "Chinese-South African cultural cooperation: towards dynamism and equity in cultural engagements, cultural trade and soft power", University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 01 to 04 March.

Duxbury, Nancy; Pato Carvalho, Claudia (2021), "The CREATOUR project in Portugal: Catalyzing creative tourism in small cities and rural areas - and exploring next steps", paper presented at Role of the Arts and Cultural Capital in Rural Innovation & Entrepreneurship, United States, 23 to 25 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), "Discussant of paper on 'Creative and cultural ecologies: Top-down and bottom-up methodologies'", paper presented at Creative and Cultural Ecologies in European Urban and Regional Development, London, UK (virtual), 02 to 06 November.

Duxbury, Nancy; Silva, Silvia (2020), "Creative tourism and the project CREATOUR", paper presented at Tourism Marketing & Destination Branding conference, integrated within the 'Festival Internacional de Cinema de Turismo ART&TUR', Viseu, 20 to 23 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), "Cultural Mapping as a Policy-Shaping Tool", paper presented at Policy or Culture?, Sapir Academic College, Israel, 15 to 16 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), "Creative tourism, the CREATOUR project, and CREATOUR International", paper presented at III Simposio de Turismo & Globalización: Turismo PostCovid-19, Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia (virtual conference), 26 to 27 August.

Curi, Fernanda; Duxbury, Nancy; Nunes, Nathalie (2020), "O mapeamento cultural nos processos de co-criação da cidade (Cultural mapping in processes to co-create the city)", paper presented at Culture and spaces in the (de)construction of the city - Session 1 | Culture space on city maps, Coimbra (webinar), 08 to 09 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), "Why travel? Envisioning future tourism -and what that scenario might mean on the ground", paper presented at The Future of Tourism, Rome (webinar), 25 to 25 June.

Duxbury, Nancy; Richards, Greg; Zuluaga, Diana; Scherf, Kathleen (2020), "Introducing CREATOUR and CREATOUR International", paper presented at So, what's next? The role of creative tourism in the regeneration of communities, Coimbra, 02 to 02 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2020), "Cultural mapping, planning, and impact assessment - in local European contexts", paper presented at SA-EU Dialogue: Cultural Mapping, Planning and Impact Assessment for Sustainable and Just Urban Development, Cape Town, South Africa, 26 to 28 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Cultures in place: Cultural mapping, planning, and sustainability", paper presented at Urban Imaginaries and Resilient Cities, University of Augsburg, Germany, 05 to 06 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "CREATOUR: Activating place-based creative tourism in small cities and rural areas", paper presented at CCARQ Talks: "Culture in rural contexts: Resources of place, collaboration, and aesthetic production of «the Local» in Denmark and Portugal", Coimbra, 25 to 25 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "The benefits and challenges of creative cultural tourism approaches - insights from the CREATOUR project", paper presented at Challenges for cultural heritage management in tourism, Vista Alegra Museum, Ílhavo, 22 to 22 November.

Carvalho, Ana; Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Creative responses to sustainability in Portugal", paper presented at Unlocking the transformative potential of culture and the arts: Innovative practices and policies from social enterprises and third sector organizations active in the cultural sector, Valletta, Malta, 04 to 05 November.

Duxbury, Nancy; Bakas, Fiona (2019), "CREATOUR: Creative tourism destination development in small cities and rural areas (research project presentation)", paper presented at Unlocking the transformative potential of culture and the arts: Innovative practices and policies from social enterprises and third sector organizations active in the cultural sector, Valletta, Malta, 04 to 05 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "CREATOUR, the journey: What have we learned? Where to next?", paper presented at Creative tourism dynamics: Connecting travellers, communities, cultures, and places, Faro, 23 to 25 October.

Bakas, Fiona; Duxbury, Nancy; Castro, Tiago; Silva, Silvia (2019), "Creative tourism development models in CREATOUR", paper presented at Creative tourism dynamics: Connecting travellers, communities, cultures, and places, Faro, 23 to 25 October.

Borges, Rosário; Pato Carvalho, Claudia; Costa, Pedro; Duxbury, Nancy; Gonçalves, Alexandra R. (2019), "Envisioning public policies and programs for creative tourism in small cities and rural areas in Portugal: Recommendations from CREATOUR experiences [C. Pato Carvalho presented]", paper presented at Creative tourism dynamics: Connecting travellers, communities, cultures, and places, Faro, 23 to 25 October.

Remoaldo, P.; Alves, J.; Matos, O.; Xavier, C.; Albino, S.; Serra, J.; Marujo, N.; Cabeça, S.; Gonçalves, A.; Bakas, F.; Duxbury, N. (2019), "Creative tourists: Case studies of small cities and rural areas of Continental Portugal [P. Remoaldo presented]", paper presented at Creative tourism dynamics: Connecting travellers, communities, cultures, and places, Faro, 23 to 25 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Cultural mapping: a new tool for community engagement and sustainability", paper presented at The Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities, Bridgetown, Barbados, 18 to 20 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "CREATOUR Portugal: Creative tourism as catalyst to link culture and tourism", paper presented at Superheroes of the Creative Economy - a Side Event of The Eighth Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities (Organization of American States - OAS), Bridgetown, Barbados, Bridgetown, Barbados, 18 to 18 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Artistic approaches to research: cultural mapping perspectives", paper presented at CreA(c)tivar o Fazer Científico nas Ciências Sociais e Humanidades / CreA(c)tivating Scientific Making in the Social Sciences & Humanities, Coimbra, 09 to 13 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "A few words about academic publishing", paper presented at CreA(c)tivar o Fazer Científico nas Ciências Sociais e Humanidades / CreA(c)tivating Scientific Making in the Social Sciences & Humanities, Coimbra, 09 to 13 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Cultural development in rural and remote areas: an emerging international conversation?", paper presented at 9th Nordic Conference on Cultural Policy Research (NCCPR), Bifröst University, Iceland, 28 to 30 August.

Remoaldo, P.; Matos, O.; Gôja, R.; Xavier, C.; Duxbury, N. (2019), "Activities and practices in creative tourism: examples of international institutions [P. Remoaldo presented]", paper presented at 26th APDR Congress - "Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy", Universidade de Aveiro, 04 to 05 July.

Bakas, Fiona Eva; Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Innovative product development processes within cultural tourism: CREATOUR and the Portuguese creative tourism network [F. Bakas presented]", paper presented at Cultural and Tourism Innovation: Integration and Digital Transition, Athens, Greece, 12 to 15 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Art and culture in transformations toward greater sustainability", paper presented at Symposium "Adaptation and Transition", within Ci.CLO Bienal Fotografia do Porto`19, Almeida Garrett Library, in the Gardens of the Crystal Palace, Porto, 08 to 08 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "CREATOUR Portugal: Creative tourism as catalyst to link culture and tourism", paper presented at Invited public presentation organized by the UNESCO Chair in Studies of Interculturalism, Art and Cultural Management and Mediation at the University of Arts in Belgrade , Nova Iskra, Belgrade, Serbia, 04 to 04 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Creative Tourism in Small Cities and Rural Areas: Emerging Models and Lessons from the CREATOUR Project, Portugal", paper presented at Fourth International Scientific Conference, "Tourism in the Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia - Tourism as a Generator of Employment", Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 30 May 01 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Co-Chair of second plenary session focused on policies and strategies aimed at increasing tourism competitiveness, agro-tourism, sustainable tourism development, cycle tourism, prospects for job creation and resource efficiency in rural areas", paper presented at Fourth International Scientific Conference, "Tourism in the Function of Development of the Republic of Serbia - Tourism as a Generator of Employment", University of Kragujevac, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 30 May 01 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2019), "Creative Tourism as a Catalyst of Participatory Approaches and Cooperation: Experience of the Project CREATOUR in Portugal", paper presented at Creative Europe Forum 2019, Niš, Serbia, 25 to 31 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "The place of culture in community well-being, quality of life, and local sustainability", paper presented at International Conference on the Well-being and Quality of Life in the City, The Seoul Institute, Seoul, South Korea, 06 to 06 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Culture, local sustainable development, and quality of life", paper presented at Meeting of scholars of the Social Integration Research Centre (SIRC) at Kangwon National University and the Korean Association for Cultural Economics (KACE), Seoul, South Korea, 04 to 04 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Animating the local: Artistic engagements with place, cultural mapping, and creative tourism", paper presented at International Congress on Cultural Mapping: Linking Heritage (Tangible and Intangible) and Creative Tourism, Évora, 29 to 30 November.

Carvalho, Maria José P. F.; Veríssimo, Joaquim; Solovova, Olga; Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Publicar Sem Perecer: sobreviver ao turbilhão: Uma iniciativa de formação avançada da biblioteca à comunidade científica", paper presented at Congresso Nacional de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, Fundão, 24 October 26 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Opening Keynote", paper presented at International Conference on "Literature (&), (In)tangible Heritage" , FCSH, NOVA University, Lisbon, 11 to 12 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Developing Creative Tourism in Small Cities and Rural Areas: The CREATOUR Approach", paper presented at World Leisure Centre of Excellence - World VIUPoints Speaker Series, Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, 02 to 02 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Developing creative tourism destinations in small cities and rural areas: the CREATOUR model in Portugal", paper presented at World Tourism Day - TRU Open Seminar, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, 27 to 27 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Integrating culture, beginning with cultural mapping", paper presented at URBiNAT Webinar 2: Citizen Engagement, Online, 19 to 19 September.

Remoaldo, P.; Freitas, I.; Matos, O.; Ribeiro, V.; Gôja, R.; Alves, J; Pereira, M.; Duxbury, N. (2018), "Initiatives of creative tourism in Portugal", paper presented at 58th European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress - "Places for people: innovative, inclusive and liveable regions", University College of Cork, Cork, Ireland, 28 to 31 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Revisiting cultural production in small cities and rural areas from a creative tourism perspective: the CREATOUR project in Portugal", paper presented at 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research , Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Cultural mapping: Reconciling data gathering and participative approaches", paper presented at 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Chair of session, "Local Policies, Communities and Change"", paper presented at X International Conference on Cultural Policy Research , Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August.

Bakas, Fiona Eva; Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "The CREATOUR Project: Creative Tourism Initiatives as a Tool to Promote Sustainable Rural Futures in Portugal", paper presented at XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada, 15 to 21 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Participatory Governance in Culture in Sustainable Cities", paper presented at Social Structures and Social Institutions: The Quest for Social Justice, Inter University Center, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 11 to 16 June.

Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, C.; Castro, T.; Bakas, F. E.; Silva, S. (2018), "Packaging creative tourism offers in small cities and rural areas: A national overview of emerging models", paper presented at Emerging and Future Trends in Creative Tourism, Braga, 07 to 09 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "CREATOUR - Creative tourism destination development in small cities and rural areas", paper presented at Emerging and Future Trends in Creative Tourism, Braga, 07 to 09 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Cultural mapping: An overview", paper presented at Research Meeting of ECHOES project , Coimbra, 01 to 01 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Cultural mapping as cultural inquiry", paper presented at Nordic Urban Laboratory, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, 22 to 24 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Desenvolver destinos deturismo criativo em cidades de pequena dimensão e áreas rurais", paper presented at V Jornadas de Reflexão de Animação Turística, Praia da Vitória, Ilha de Terceira , 15 to 17 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2018), "Editors' perspectives / Visualization and mapping", paper presented at Publish, Do not Perish: Survive the Stampede, Coimbra, 06 to 06 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Participatory cultural policymaking and sustainable development", paper presented at Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies. Do It Together, Rijeka, Croatia, 22 to 24 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Cultural mapping: An evolving research field and a tool for community engagement and action", paper presented at Sociology of the City, Zagreb, Croatia, 21 to 21 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "(Eco)cultural mapping and connecting to place: Island perspectives", paper presented at INSULA III - Beyond Nature/Artifice, Funchal, 08 to 12 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Creative tourism development in small cities and rural areas: CREATOUR's approach", paper presented at Culture, Sustainability, and Place: Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development, University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, 11 to 13 October.

Remoaldo, Paula; Duxbury, Nancy; Matos, Olga; Freitas, Isabel; Lopes, Hélder; Ribeiro, Vítor; Gôja, Ricardo; Pereira, Miguel (2017), "International best practices and issues in creative tourism (presented by P. Remoaldo)", paper presented at ATLAS Annual Conference 2017, Viana do Castelo, 12 to 15 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Experiences of measuring art and culture: Going beyond indicators of presence and investment", paper presented at Negev Creative Vitality Index - Stakeholders' Meeting, Centre for Sustainability, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 02 to 02 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "CREATOUR: Creative tourism development in small cities and rural areas in Portugal", paper presented at Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New Landscapes and Challenges for Planning the Space, Covilhã, 06 to 07 July.

Costa, Pedro; Duxbury, Nancy; Cruz, Ana Rita (2017), "Special Thematic Session, "Creative Tourism in Small Cities and Rural Areas"", paper presented at Intellectual Capital and Regional Development: New Landscapes and Challenges for Planning the Space, Universidade Beira Interior, Covilhã, 06 to 07 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "CREATOUR: Território turismo e criatividade", paper presented at Ciência2017, Lisboa, 03 to 05 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Creative tourism development in small cities and rural areas in Portugal - insights from start-up activities", paper presented at Creating and Managing Experiences in Cultural Tourism, Šibenik, Croatia, 22 to 23 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas", paper presented at The State of the Art in Creative Tourism: Leading Research | Advanced Practices | Future Trajectories, Curia, Portugal, 01 to 02 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas", paper presented at INVTUR 2017: Co-Creating the Future of Tourism, Aveiro, 17 to 19 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Editors' perspectives / Visualization and mapping", paper presented at Publish, Do not Perish: Survive the Stampede - Module 2B, CES, Coimbra, 02 to 02 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Culture and creative industries for local social transformation", paper presented at International Forum: Guadalajara, Creative City, Guadalajara, Mexico, 05 to 06 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Cultural mapping: Trajectories and issues in mapping cultures of place", paper presented at I Colóquio Ibérico de Paisagem - O estudo e a construção da Paisagem como problema metodológico, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 16 to 17 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Editors' / Editing perspectives", paper presented at Publish, Do not Perish: Survive the Stampede: Module 2, CES, Coimbra, 23 to 23 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2017), "Mapping and visualization / textos e revisões", paper presented at Publish, Do not Perish: Survive the Stampede: Module 2, CES, Coimbra, 23 to 25 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Creative tourism and its development in small villages: CREATOUR's approach", paper presented at Fórum Internacional de Turismo Criativo, Cuiabá, Brazil, 13 to 14 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Glocal trends and dialogues in mapping cultures and meanings of place", paper presented at International Colloquium in Geohumanities, "Closing Circles, Open Horizons", Barcelona, 19 to 21 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "CREATOUR: Desenvolver Destinos de Turismo Criativo em Cidades de Pequena Dimensão e Áreas Rurais", paper presented at Rethinking Tourism in a Coastal City: Deisng for New Engagements (Research Meeting), Aarhus, Denmark, 11 to 11 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Placing culture in sustainable urban development: Towards the New Urban Agenda", paper presented at 9th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network - Sociology of the Arts , Porto, 08 to 10 September.

Kagan, Sacha; Duxbury, Nancy; Haley, David; Holz, Verena; Blanc, Nathalie (2016), "Creative Workshop: Artistic and other creative practices in the city: Urban resilience between a future II Simple and a future too simple?", paper presented at 9th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network - Sociology of the Arts, Porto, 08 to 10 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Chair of session, "Revisiting the creative city and creative industries"", paper presented at 9th Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Research Network - Sociology of the Arts , Porto, 08 to 10 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Global Trends and Dialogues in Mapping Cultures and Meanings of Place", paper presented at Where Is Here?: Small Cities, Deep Mapping and Sustainable Futures, Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada, 20 to 22 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Cultural mapping and the place-embedded knowledges of urban environments", paper presented at The Street and the City: Awakenings, Lisboa, 14 to 15 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "The application of participatory governance as a motor of cultural sustainability", paper presented at Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions, Zagreb, Croatia, 31 March 01 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Cultural mapping: dimensions of an interdisciplinary emerging field", paper presented at Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions, Zagreb, Croatia, 31 March 01 April.

Lourenço, Júlia; Duxbury, Nancy (2016), "Performance Research in Inter-Religious Knowledge: the case of Prayer Beads Exhibits [delivered by J. Lourenço]", paper presented at Association of American Geographers - AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 29 March 02 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Overview and Conclusions of Research Network on Investigating Cultural Sustainability", paper presented at Investigação em Rede sobre Sustantabilidade Cultural, ISCTE-IUL, Lisboa, 09 to 09 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Keynote presentation: "Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Towards More Sustainable Communities"", paper presented at Public art, quality and cultural sustainability, Copenhagen, Denmark, 04 to 04 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Keynote presentation: On culture's role in sustainable local futures: Learning from experimental and emerging practices", paper presented at RE-DO: Conference on Sustainability and Culture's Role in Sustainable Futures, Aarhus, Denmark, 28 to 31 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Participation in "Sustainability on the cultural policy agenda" roundtable", paper presented at RE-DO Conference on Sustainability and Culture's Role in Sustainable Futures, Aarhus, Denmark, 28 to 31 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Chair of Plenary Session 1: 'A multi and inter disciplinary approach to Cultural Mapping' (8 presenters).", paper presented at Mapping Culture: Debating Places and Spaces , Valletta, Malta, 21 to 23 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Culturizing sustainable cities and communities: Learning from experimental and emerging practices - research in process", paper presented at Faculty of Arts Colloquium Series, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, 25 to 25 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Notes from a Canadian Scholar Abroad: A 'European' Perspective on Research Issues, Opportunities, Challenges, and Differences", paper presented at Faculty Research Day - Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, 17 to 17 September.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon (2015), "Making it Real: Measures of Culture in Local Sustainability Planning and Implementation", paper presented at Canadian Communication Association, Ottawa, Canada, 03 to 05 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Chair of research paper session "Valuing Culture I: Inside and outside cultural statistics frameworks - extending the boundaries of cultural value"", paper presented at Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 03 to 05 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Operationalizing Culture in the Sustainable Development of Cities: Developing Global Narratives and Policy Proposals", paper presented at Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: theories, policies, practices, Helsinki, 06 to 08 May.

Soini, Katriina; Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Investigating Cultural Sustainability", paper presented at UCLG Culture Summit: Culture and Sustainable Cities, Bilbao, Spain, 18 to 20 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Culture and Sustainability: Conceptual, operational, and policy dimensions", paper presented at Cultural Sustainability, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 10 to 12 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Operational/policy dimensions 1: Evolving policy frameworks ", paper presented at Cultural Sustainability, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 10 to 12 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2015), "Operational/policy dimensions 2: Culture in the sustainable city ", paper presented at Cultural Sustainability, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 10 to 12 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Chair of "Autónoma 1" session", paper presented at International Colloquium 74-14 | O SAAL e a Arquitectura, Coimbra, 14 to 16 November.

Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Advancing Knowledge through Grassroots Experiments: Connecting Culture and Sustainability", paper presented at 40th Annual Conference of Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts, Ottawa, 09 to 11 October.

Duxbury Carreiro, Nancy (2014), "Culture and Local Sustainability: Including Culture in the Planning of Sustainable Cities and Communities", paper presented at Ciudades Cultura y Futuro: Segundo seminario Internacional" (Second International Conference on "Cities, Culture and Future") , Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 September 02 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "European cities as cultural projects: Where is culture in urban sustainability policy?", paper presented at 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2014), Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Art and Sustainability in Cities", paper presented at 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2014), Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Chair of Thematic Session on 'Art and Sustainability in Cities'", paper presented at 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2014), Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Chair of Thematic Session on 'Beyond the Creative City: Cultural (Policy) Pathways towards Sustainable Urban Development'", paper presented at 8th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2014), Hildesheim, Germany, 09 to 12 September.

Allegretti, Giovanni; Duxbury, Nancy; Serapioni, Mauro (2014), "Toward a Resemantization of Community-Based Monitoring: A Broader Perspective on a Tool in Permanent Evolution through its Worldwide Practices (delivered by G. Allegretti) ", paper presented at 23rd World Congress of Political Science, "Challenges of Contemporary Governance", Montreal, 19 to 24 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "European cities as cultural projects: Then, where is culture in urban sustainability policy?", paper presented at VIII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Évora, 14 to 16 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "European Cities as Cultural Projects: Then, Where is Culture in Urban Sustainability Policy?", paper presented at Culture and Sustainable Development at Times of Crisis, Belgrade, Serbia, 27 to 28 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2014), "Inclusive, Sustainable Cities: Cultural Dimensions", paper presented at 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture, "Creative times: New models for cultural development", Santiago de Chile, 13 to 16 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Representing Place in Film / Filmed Place Promotion (Production Attraction to Film-Induced Tourism)", paper presented at International Symposium "Cinema e Representação" (Cinema and Representation), Lisbon, 05 to 07 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators (3 lectures and workshop sessions)", paper presented at Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators , University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 20 to 22 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Cultural planning/policy: Key concepts and approaches (Nov. 21)", paper presented at Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 20 to 22 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Cultural strategies for community development (Nov. 21)", paper presented at Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 20 to 22 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Building a knowledge base: Cultural resource mapping + (Nov. 22)", paper presented at Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 20 to 22 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Valuation, monitoring and assessing change and impact: Cultural indicators (Nov. 22)", paper presented at Local cultural policies, comparisons, models and indicators, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 20 to 22 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Relevant research initiatives and activities beyond Europe", paper presented at The Cultural Dimension of Sustainable Development on the European Research Agenda, Bussels, 12 to 14 November.

Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, Claudia (2013), "Digital Mapping and the Transformation of Local Communities: An Example of Artistic Intervention Projects in Local Communities in Portugal", paper presented at World Social Science Forum 2013: Social Transformations and the Digital Age, Montreal, 13 to 15 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Carvalho, Claudia (2013), "Artistic Intervention Projects and Cultural Memory: Experiences from Portugal's Centre Region", paper presented at Cultural Memory, Skopje, Macedonia, 05 to 07 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Global Cultural Governance Policy and Cities: The Evolution of Forging Links to the Local Level", paper presented at 'Communication and Global Power Shifts' Conference, Vancouver, 07 to 09 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Chair of session on 'Global Cities'", paper presented at Communication and Global Power Shifts, Vancouver, 07 to 09 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Strategy development in the cultural sector", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Participation in panel on 'Sharing opinions on the presented [Moldova National Cultural Policy] strategy, based on international and national experiences and best practices' ", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy; Varbanova, Lidia (2013), "Cultural development, cultural policy, and local/regional development", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy; Varbanova, Lidia (2013), "Understanding the connection between culture sector and the external environment, or the social, economic and value context of the "existence" of culture", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Regional and local cultural planning and resource mapping", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2013), "Strategies for particular cultural actors", paper presented at EuroEast Culture - Cultural Policy Exchange Workshop Cycle 2013: Strategies and Concepts for Policy Reforms (Workshop 1), Chisinau (Moldova), 17 to 20 April.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Culture and Creative Economic Strategies in Small Communities", paper presented at Fall International Talks 2012 on 'The Role of Culture in the Development Process of Local Areas', IULM, Milan, Italy, 06 November 08 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Community Planning for Culture in Small Communities", paper presented at Fall International Talks 2012 on 'The Role of Culture in the Development Process of Local Areas', IULM, Milan, Italy, 06 to 08 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Issues of Culture, Development and Sustainability", paper presented at Fall International Talks 2012 on 'The Role of Culture in the Development Process of Local Areas', IULM, Milan, Italy, 06 to 08 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Cities, Culture and Sustainable Development", paper presented at Cultural Sustainability and Cultural Policy: Opening Lectures for Pilot MA course on Cultural Sustainability and Cultural Policy, Unit for Cultural Policy/Politics Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 04 to 04 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Culture in Sustainable Communities: Integrating Culture in Community Sustainability Policy and Planning in Canada and Europe", paper presented at Cultural Sustainability and Cultural Policy: Opening Lectures for Pilot MA course on Cultural Sustainability and Cultural Policy, Unit for Cultural Policy/Politics Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, 04 to 04 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Cities, Culture and Sustainable Development", paper presented at Summer Lab'12 - Art, Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Torres Vedras, 05 to 09 September.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Andrew, Caroline; Mateus, João Mascarenhas (2012), "Culture in Sustainable Communities: Improving the Integration of Culture in Community Sustainability Policy and Planning in Canada and Europe", paper presented at International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) 2012: 'Culture, politics and cultural policies', Barcelona, Spain, 09 to 12 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Commentary in Thematic Session on 'The Transformations of the Public Space: From Cultural Policies to Inclusive Governance'", paper presented at 7th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research 2012: 'Culture, Politics and Cultural Policies', Barcelona, 09 to 12 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Chair of session on 'Cultural Policy and Development'", paper presented at 7th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research 2012: 'Culture, Politics and Cultural Policies', Barcelona, 09 to 12 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Reinventing Experiences of City: Connecting to Place through Community-Engaged Artistic Practices", paper presented at Re-Inventing the City: Participation and Innovation Summer School, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, 02 to 07 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Moderator of plenary session on 'New Urban Imaginaries: Beyond Fragmentation and Polarisation'", paper presented at Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions, Coimbra, 28 to 30 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Chair of session on 'Cultural Actors as Agents in Urban Change II: Systems and Spaces'", paper presented at Rethinking Urban Inclusion: Spaces, Mobilisations, Interventions, Coimbra, 28 to 30 June.

Duxbury, Nancy; Mateus, João Mascarenhas; Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Andrew, Caroline (2012), "Integrando Cultura em Comunidades Sustentáveis: Uma análise comparativa entre Canadá e Europa / Integrating Culture in Sustainable Communities: Comparing Canadian and European Approaches", paper presented at VII Congresso Português do Sociologia: 'Sociedade, Crise e Reconfigurações', Porto, 20 to 23 June.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Andrew, Caroline (2012), "Planning for Culturally Vibrant and Sustainable Communities: Comparing Canadian and European Approaches", paper presented at Planning for Culturally Vibrant and Sustainable Communities: Comparing Canadian and European Approaches (Seminar), CES-Lisboa, 18 to 18 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Moderator of session, 'Fostering the Transition toward Cultures of Sustainability - A Policy Debate' ", paper presented at Radius of Art, Berlin, Germany, 08 to 09 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Artistic Animation of Public Spaces and Sustainability: Insights from an international symposium in Portugal, September 2011", paper presented at Guest presentation for Small Cities CURA, Thompson Rivers University Art Gallery, Kamloops, BC, Canada, 24 to 24 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2012), "Integrating culture into local sustainability planning: influences, developments, and challenges", paper presented at Cultural Research Salon, Vancouver, Canadá, 20 to 20 January.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon (2012), "The Role of 'Cultural Resources' in Community Sustainability: Linking Concepts to Practice and Planning", paper presented at Eighth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canadá, 10 to 12 January.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Andrew, Caroline (2011), "Culture in Sustainable Communities - a Canada-Europe Comparative Research Project", paper presented at Policy Research Speakers Series, Department of Canadian Heritage, Gatineau, Canada, 13 to 13 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2011), "Integrating Culture into Local Sustainability Planning: An Overview", paper presented at Thinking Culture Forum (org. Canadian Conference of the Arts and the Centre on Governance, University of Ottawa), Ottawa, Canada, 11 to 11 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2011), "Artistic community celebration/rituals for the environment: Still Moon Arts Society, Vancouver, Canada", paper presented at A Água como Património Workshop, FEUC, Coimbra, 03 to 03 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Allegretti, G. (2011), "Co-facilitator of session on 'Iceland Breaks with the Dominant Order' with Dr. Salvör Nordal (within the theme 'A New Political and Social Order') ", paper presented at Universidade de Verão 2011, Societies in Transition: Building Inclusive Societies from the Bottom-up, Tavira, 06 to 09 September.

Duxbury, Nancy (2011), "Discussant for panel session on 'Subnational Fora of Citizen Deliberation'", paper presented at Challenging Citizenship, Coimbra, 03 to 05 June.

Jeannotte, M. Sharon; Duxbury, Nancy (2011), "Culture and Sustainability - Experts and Amateurs in the Development of Integrated Community Sustainability Plans", paper presented at Extending Expertise? Experts and Amateurs in Communications and Culture, Ottawa, Canada, 30 April 01 May.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon (2011), "Cultural Heritage, Vitality and Values in Community Sustainability Initiatives", paper presented at 'People Make Places: Ways of Feeling the World', 10th International Conference of the International Society for Ethnograohy and Folklore (SIEF), Lisboa, 17 to 21 April.

Duxbury, Nancy; Cullen, C.; Pascual, J. (2010), "Cities, Culture and Sustainable Development", paper presented at Meeting of contributing authors to Cultural Policy and Governance in a New Metropolitan Age (The Cultures and Globalization Series, Vol. 5, Sage, 2012), Berlin, Germany, 10 to 11 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Thinking of Culture as a Factor of Sustainable Development (within the Open University stream on 'New Urban Realities, New Communities')", paper presented at Ready to Change? An Experimental Forum on Culture and Social Innovation in Europe and in the Med Area, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 02 to 04 December.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Cultural Economies in an Era of Sustainability: Privileging "Localism," Diversity, and Cooperation in Building "Creative and Sustainable" Cities", paper presented at The Revival of Political Economy: Prospects for Sustainable Provision, Coimbra, 21 to 23 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Selling "Cinematic Value": Heritage, Landscapes, Log Cabins and Beyond in Vancouver and its Surrounds", paper presented at International Symposium on 'Cinema and Cities', Lisboa, 09 to 11 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon (2010), "From the Bottom-Up: Culture in Community Sustainability Planning", paper presented at 3rd ESA Sociology of Culture Research Network Mid-term Conference, 'Culture and the Making of Worlds', Milan, Italy, 07 to 09 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Artists, Community Engagement, and the Environment", paper presented at The Role of Artists in Social Participation, Utrecht, Netherlands, 30 September 01 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Jeannotte, M. Sharon (2010), "Culture, Sustainability and Communities: Exploring the Myths", paper presented at 6th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24 to 27 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Commentary in Thematic Session on 'Culture, Cultural Policy and Democracy - Myths and Realities' ", paper presented at 6th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24 to 27 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Urban Cultural Policy Commentary on 'Postmodernism and Cultural policy in the European Quarters of Kirchberg in Luxembourg' (by E. Palonen)", paper presented at 6th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Jyväskylä, Finland, 24 to 27 August.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Linking cultural-creative sectors and local economies: Case studies from Canada", paper presented at Inter-Regional Workshop, 'Creative Braga: Fusing Knowledge from Arts and Science', Braga, 30 to 30 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Revitalizing rural communities through arts and culture: International trends and insights", paper presented at Mundos Rurais em Portugal: Múltiplos Olhares, Múltiplos Futuros. IV Congresso de Estudo Rurais, Aveiro, 04 to 06 February.

Duxbury, Nancy (2010), "Cultural Planning and Policy in an Age of Sustainability: Building Linkages in Research and Practice", paper presented at Seminar presented by the Research Group on Cities and Urban Cultures, Centro do Estudos Sociais (CES), and the Master's and Doctoral Programs in Cities and Urban Cultures, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, 14 to 14 January.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "The Experience of Building the Creative City Network of Canada", paper presented at The Art of Cultural Planning, Stockholm, 16 to 16 November.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Cultural Planning and Policy in an Age of Sustainability: Building Linkages in Research and Practice. A Research Proposal", paper presented at 17th ENCATC (European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres) Annual Conference, Barcelona, 21 to 24 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Cultural diversity and the four-pillar model of sustainability", paper presented at UNESCO Expert Meeting "Towards a New Cultural Policy Framework: Conceptual and Operational Guidelines to Integrate Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue Principles" , Paris, 16 to 18 July.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Cultural-creative spaces? Observations on edge cities in the new creative economy", paper presented at Americans for the Arts 2009 Annual Convention, "Renewable Resources: Arts in Sustainable Communities", Seattle, USA, 18 to 20 June.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Key findings on the state of cultural infrastructure in Canada", paper presented at Annual Conference of the Canadian Communication Association, Ottawa, 28 to 30 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Developing and revitalizing rural communities through arts and creativity", paper presented at Map My Culture: Community and Space in Small Cities, Comox Valley, BC, Canada, 14 to 16 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Cultural-creative infrastructure", paper presented at Canadian Innovation Systems Research Network 11th Annual National Meeting, Halifax, 29 April 01 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2009), "Preliminary findings on developing and revitalizing rural communities through arts and creativity", paper presented at Whose Show is it Anyway? Community-engaged Performance and Exhibition Arts in the Small City, Kamloops, BC, Canada, 26 to 28 March.

Duxbury, Nancy (2008), "Cultural infrastructure: Key issues and emerging models", paper presented at Creative City Network of Canada professional summit, Whitehorse, Canada, 16 to 17 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2008), "The roles and responsibilities of the players involved in cultural development within cities and metropolitan regions", paper presented at Cultural Governance in Large Cities: Issues and Opportunities, Montreal, Canada, 06 to 06 October.

Duxbury, Nancy; Keurvorst, Elizabeth (2008), "Creative Cities Networking in Canada", paper presented at UNESCO International Conference on Creative Tourism, Santa Fe, USA, 28 September 02 October.

Duxbury, Nancy (2007), "Places of vibrant expression of cultural diversity: Common features", paper presented at Innovation Systems Research Network 9th Annual National Meeting, Vancouver, 02 to 05 May.

Duxbury, Nancy (2007), "Cultural citizenship, diversity, and municipal practices", paper presented at 9th National Metropolis Conference, Exploring Canada's Diversity, Today and Tomorrow, Toronto, Canada.

Duxbury, Nancy (2006), "Building the Creative City Network of Canada: Networking and communication strategies", paper presented at Metropolis National Conference - UNESCO session on "The Coalition of Cities Against Racism-A Network to be Built Together", Vancouver.

Duxbury, Nancy (2005), "The Rise of Canadian Municipalities' Involvement in Cultural Development: Some Rationales, Good Practices, and Research Possibilities", paper presented at "Good Public Policy in Canadian Municipalities", Ottawa.

Duxbury, Nancy (2005), "Cultural Citizenship and Community Indicator Projects: Approaches and Challenges in the Local/ Municipal Context", paper presented at 10th International Metropolis conference, "Our Diverse Cities: Migration, Diversity and Change, Toronto.

Duxbury, Nancy (2005), "The Creative City Network of Canada", paper presented at UNESCO Global Alliance - "Creating and Promoting Creative Cities Workshop", Paris.