
University degrees, diplomas and academic public assessments

2014 - Spanish abilitation to Professorship as Contracted professor with PhD in Sociology. , National Agency of Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) of Spain.

2003 - Ph.D. in Sociology, Citizen's participation in the Healthcare System. Europeans experiences, University of Barcelona

1994 - Master in Health Management, Identification of environmental hazards affecting the health of the population of Warnes Province (Bolivia), and suitable actions to reduce or control these hazards., Istituto Superiore di Sanitá - Roma

1983 - Political and Social Science , Psychology of active minority groups , University of Bologna

Field of specialisation

Sociologia da saúde

Other fields

Avaliação de projetos, serviços e políticas socias

Desigualdades sociais e saúde

Governação e participação dos cidadãos nos sistemas de saúde

Metodologia de investigação social