Awards and/or other prizes
2023 - Appointment as Research Fellow of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, University of Oxford, awarded by University of Oxford
2018 - Funding from the DST Group for the publication of the books, Heranças Pós-Coloniais - literaturas em língua portuguesa, Porto: Afrontamento, 2019 (with Phillip Rothwell); Memória, Cidade e Literatura - de S. Paulo de Assunção de Luanda a Luuanda, de Loure, awarded by DST Group
2015 - Consolidator Grant with the research project "MEMOIRS - Children of Empire and European Post-Memories" , awarded by European Research Council (ERC)
2013 - Programa Gulbenkian Qualificação das Novas Gerações/ Projetos Inovadores no Domínio Educativo, awarded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2009 - Grant for the publication of the books: Literaturas Insulares: leituras e escritas de Cabo Verde e de São Tomé e Príncipe, (Afrontamento, 2011) and Literaturas da Guiné-Bissau: cantando os escritos da história (Afrontamento, 2011), awarded by FCT and Instituto Camões
2008 - Cátedra Eduardo Lourenço, awarded by Instituto Camões/ Universidade de Bolonha
2007 - Short-term grant for the participation in the 3rd Conference of Teachers of African Literatures - Pensando África: crítica, ensino e pesquisa (org. UFRJ, UFF and Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil), Rio de Janeiro, 21-23 November, awarded by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2002 - Post-doctorate scholarship, awarded by National Agency for Science and Technology
2000 - Short-term grant for the participation of the 2nd Congress of the American Portuguese Studies Association, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, 19-22 October, awarded by Luso-American Development Foundation
1999 - Short-term grant for the participation in the 6th Congress of the International Association of Lusitanists, UFRJ/ UFF, Rio de Janeiro, 8-13 August, awarded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
1996 - Doctorate scholarship, awarded by National Agency for Science and Technology.