Scientific Events

Organisation of scientific events

Member of the Organizing Committee of "Sessão Tecendo Caminhos: Ecologias de Saberes e Conexões pela Justiça- no 10º Encontro Nacional pela Justiça Climática, Lisboa, 21 to 23 February by 2025 (com García-López, Gustavo Andrade, Djamila).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Paineis "Ciência Engajada e Conflitos Ambientais (I e II)" no V Conferência Bienal Internacional de Antropologia do Ambiente, Lisboa, 30 to 31 January by 2025 (com Sebeika Rapchan, Eliane; García-López, Gustavo; Sousa, Joana ).

Organization of 3o Encontro de Ecologia Politica, ISCTE-Lisboa and CES-Coimbra, 10 April to 19 January 2024.

Organization of Panel: Decolonial and Feminist Perspectives on the Commons: Struggles epistemologies across Souths (in 3rd Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons Conference), ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, 09 to 09 November by 2023.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Un-schooling the summer: Walking the line of environmental injustice in Alentejo (2nd ECOSOC Summer School), Lisbon-Setúbal-Comporta-Melides-Sao Luis-Sines-Porto Covo, Alentejo, Portugal, 16 to 22 July by 2023 (com Meira, Teresa; , ECOSOC; García-López, Gustavo; Sciarelli, Roberto ; Delibas, Hestia; Simoes, Aline).

Organization of Towards a Post-Extractive Culture, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 23 February to 24 January 2023.

Organization of 8o Encontro Nacional Pela Justiça Climática (ENJC), Departamento de Físicas, Universidade de Coimbra, 10 to 12 February by 2023.

Organization of Educação e Justiça Climática: Direito à educação e direito à vida perante a crise climática, Casa Municipal da Cultura, Coimbra, 28 to 28 January by 2023.

Organization of Afternoon Tertulia: Beyond Corruption - From Colonial Practices to Emancipatory Futures in Puerto Rico, Online, 26 to 26 October by 2022.

Organization of Roundtable: Iterative knowledge brokering for SDG coherence and policy interventions in developing countries , Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly - UNGA77, 23 to 23 September by 2022.

Organization of CES Summer School "The Pluriverse of Eco-social Justice", Coimbra, 11 to 16 July by 2022.

Member of the Organizing Committee of Energy transitions from below: From climate colonialism to energy sovereignty, International Institute of Social Studies- The Hague, 15 to 15 June by 2022 (com García-López, Gustavo Andreucci, Diego ).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Post-extractive Futures, Global Online, 01 to 03 February by 2022 (com García-López, Gustavo; McMillen, Daniel ; Garavito, Tatiana ; Ordoñez, Sebastian).

Member of the Organizing Committee of 8th International Degrowth Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, 24 to 28 August by 2021 (com García-López, Gustavo; Gerber, Julien-Francois ; Harcourt, Wendy; van den Berg, Karijn; Rammelt, Crelis; Sato, Chizu; Rilovic, Andro).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Green New Deals Plenary / 8th International Degrowth Conference, Zoom, 24 to 24 August by 2021 (com García-López, Gustavo; Andreucci, Diego ; Lamain, Corinne; Balamir, Selj; Boston, Daniel; Karch, Julila).

Member of the Organizing Committee of Political Ecologies of the Green New Deal (2 panels) / 8th International Degrowth Conference, Zoom, 24 to 25 August by 2021 (com García-López, Gustavo Andreucci, Diego ).

Member of the Organizing Committee of International Workshop on Urban Climate Justice in the Global South, Zoom, 28 to 30 June by 2021 (com García-López, Gustavo; Kashwan, Prakash ; Maclean, Lauren).

Organization of "Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water: Reflections on an ongoing blog series" (2 panels), International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) Water Commons Virtual Conference , Online, 19 to 21 May by 2021.

Member of the Organizing Committee of "Politics and climate crisis: Towards a new ecosocial treaty", Online, 19 to 19 June by 2020 (com García-López, Gustavo Tormos, Fernando).

Member of the Organizing Committee of "Solidarity from below against the Coloniavirus", Online, 22 to 22 May by 2020 (com García-López, Gustavo Tormos, Fernando).

Member of the Organizing Committee of "The sea rises and so do we: Just recovery in the climate emergency", Amphitheater of the General Studies Faculty, University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras, 26 to 27 October by 2019 (com García-López, Gustavo; Reyes, Mariolga; Reyes, Marissa; Bayeta, Jazdil; Rivera, Juan Carlos; Vazquez, Hernaliz).

Organization of "Action research with baldios: Opportunities and challenges for rural regeneration" (Deliberative Workshop), Centro Social de Ansiães, Amarante, Portugal, 19 to 19 October by 2019.

Organization of "Energy colonialism, climate disasters and environmental justice: Reflections from Puerto Rico" (Seminar with Ruth Santiago), Sala 2, CES-Alta, Coimbra, 17 to 17 October by 2019.

Presentations in scientific events

García-López, Gustavo; Gonçalves, Adelino ; Martins, Afonso Nuno (2025), "O "carbon-washing" da mobilidade sustentável: a experiência do Metro Mondego em Coimbra, Portugal", paper presented at V Conferência Bienal Internacional de Antropologia do Ambiente, Lisboa , 30 to 31 January.

García-López, Gustavo (2024), "Decolonizing Climate Disasters through Autogestion: Encounters for Life and Sovereignty in Puerto Rico and Beyond", paper presented at Rethinking Resilience Climate Justice and Decolonial Perspectives, Academic Conference Center, Czech Academy of Science, Prague, 29 to 29 November.

García-López, Gustavo; Bodirsky, Katharina (2024), "On Commoning as Labour for Socioecological Transformation", paper presented at Commoning Dialogues Webinar Series, Online/ University of Cologne, 25 to 25 November.

García-López, Gustavo; da Silva, Flora; Riquito, Mariana (2024), "Experiencing Cartographies of Body-Territory-Earth: a methodology to think through the connection between peoples and places affected by the decarbonization plan", paper presented at "Beyond the "Decarbonization Consensus": The Ethics and Practices of Sympoiesis" (4th International Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons), 13 to 15 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2024), "Commoning Labour, Labouring the Commons: Making Life-in-Common Within-Against-And-Beyond Colonial Disasters in Puerto Rico", paper presented at Ecologies of Labour - Work Futures Research Group Seminar Series, Online, 11 to 11 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2024), "Os Desafios do Decrescimento num Mundo Desigual", paper presented at Decrescimento e a Agenda Ecosocialista, Online, 26 to 26 September.

García-López, Gustavo (2024), "From environmental colonialism to multiple soveriegnties: Post-extractivist paths from Puerto Rico", paper presented at Pre-ALAS (Latin American Sociology Association) Meeting: Postcoloniality, Decoloniality, Postdevelopment and Environmental Crisis, Federal Universitry of Pernambuco (UFPE), 04 to 04 July.

García-López, Gustavo (2024), "From environmental colonialism to multiple soveriegnties: Post-extractivist paths from Puerto Rico to Portugal", paper presented at Latin America- Europe Dialogues: Ecosocial Transitions and Global Justice, Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, 09 to 09 May.

Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo (2024), ""From "green" colonialism to sovereignty: Contentions over energy transitions in the global North and South.", paper presented at Encontro Anual de Economia Politica -"Economia Politica e Democracia: Reimaginar o Mundo nos 50 Anos do 25 de Abril", Lisboa , 25 to 27 January.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Just transition: The Next Steps (Roundtable conversation)", paper presented at Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Prince Claus Chair, The Hague, 06 to 06 December.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Defending the commons: Tracing roots, presents and futures from Abya Yala", paper presented at "Decolonizing the commons and social solidarity: Enacting the Pluriverse" (3rd Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons Conference) , ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, 09 to 10 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Poverty and climate: From climate colonialism to climate justice", paper presented at Designing the Sustainable Future Together in the Centenary of our Republic (3rd International Sustainable Living Congress), Istambul and online, 09 to 10 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Countering the disasters of colonialism, affirming life through solidarities and care: Lessons from Puerto Rico", paper presented at A Crise Climática e a Guiné-Bissau: Ruturas, Continuidades e Incertezas., CES, Coimbra, 02 to 03 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Decolonizing Colonial-Climate Disasters Through Autogestion: Reflections From Puerto Rico", paper presented at Turning the Tide: Climate Change, Social Change, and Islandness (2nd International Conference on Small Island States and Subnational Island Jurisdictions), University of Aruba (Oranjestad, Aruba, and online), 23 October 26 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Environmental justice, colonialism and militarism: Notes from Puerto Rico", paper presented at What Animates and Challenges the Possibilities for Collective Action today?, Talloirs, France, 21 to 23 September.

García-López, Gustavo (2023), "Climate Change, Labor, and Oceans (Roundtable)", paper presented at Climate and Labour Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (FEUC), Portugal, 19 to 20 April.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "How does the imperial mode of living gets put in practice: A view from Puerto Rico (Commentary on Markus Wissen's "The imperial mode of living")", paper presented at SETS Seminar: The Imperial Mode of Living, Zoom (organized by University of Trento, Bournemouth University, and University of Orebro), 14 to 14 December.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "La defensa de los bienes comunes: Trazando raíces, presentes y futuros desde Abya Yala (Defending the commons: Tracing roots, presents and futures from Abya Yala)", paper presented at International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) World Commons Week- Latin American Chapter, Zoom, 08 to 08 December.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Deep just transitions from below: Insights from Puerto Rico and beyond", paper presented at Environmental Governance Research Seminar, Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University, 21 to 21 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Decarbonisation by Dispossession: Violence and Extractivism in the Case of Nickel", paper presented at Green Extractivism & Violent Conflict (webinar conference), Online, 17 to 17 June.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Deepening transitions for climate justice", paper presented at Action-oriented research for energy transitions and climate neutrality (Workshop), Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 16 to 16 June.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Deepening just transitions: Visions and tensions from global Souths", paper presented at Waggeningen University Political Ecology Cluster Seminar Series, Center for Space, Place and Society (CSPS), Gender and Diversity and Political Ecology Clusters, Waggeningen University, 14 to 14 June.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Como reorganizar a economia e a transição energética?", paper presented at A Guerra na Ucrânia e os Desafios para as Sociedades Contemporâneas, Online / CES-Coimbra, 21 to 21 April.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "The colonial roots of disasters:A view from Puerto Rico", paper presented at Humanitarian Action, Disasters & Crises: Critical approaches (ISS Course), International Institute of Social Studies- The Hague, 07 to 07 March.

Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo (2022), "The Political Ecology of Energy Transitions", paper presented at Research in Progress Seminar (RIPS), International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, 24 to 24 February.

García-López, Gustavo (2022), "Communities in movement, resisting ecocide and reproducing life", paper presented at Sustainability Frontiers Conference (Panel: Resistance and Social Movements), Online / Lund University Center for Sustianability Studies, 14 to 14 February.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Which science for which climate action? Integrating science, community and culture for climate justice.", paper presented at Climate Changemakers in Health: From Science to Action, Zoom, 11 to 11 November.

Tormos, Fernando ; García-López, Gustavo; Painter, Mary (2021), "Energy inequality and clientelism in the wake of disasters: From colorblind to affirmative power restoration", paper presented at Decimonovena reunión de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica de Puerto Rico (PRYSIG 2021), Zoom, 14 to 14 October.

Velicu, Irina; García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Just Transition and Recovery", paper presented at "Just Transition for All?", Green Academy 2021 Winter Seminar, Institute for Political Ecology , Zagreb and Online, 09 to 09 October.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Closing reflections: justice and fairness in international research", paper presented at "Fair research collaboration in (post-)pandemic times" Webinar, Dutch Research Council NWO-WOTRO , Zoom, 16 to 16 September.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Unnatural disasters, colonialism and just recovery in Puerto Rico", paper presented at (Un)Natural Disasters: Climate Change, Health, and Disaster Relief, Speaking with Friends, Friends of the Truman Foundation, Zoom, 14 to 14 September.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Accumulation by corruption: Environmental corruption and land dispossession in Puerto Rico", paper presented at Political Ecology Reading Group, Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC), Zoom, 22 to 22 June.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Colonial Climates, Decolonial Futures", paper presented at Prince Claus Chair Inaugural Lecture, Utrecht University, Netherlands / Zoom, 10 to 10 June.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Panel - Latinoamerican Contribution to the Theoretical Debates on the Commons (Contribución Latinoamericana a los Debates Teóricos sobre Bienes Comunes)", paper presented at 1er Congreso Latinoamericano IASC: El Futuro de los Bienes Comunes en Latinoamérica , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México / Zoom, 03 to 03 June.

Fantini, Emanuele ; Leonardelli, Irene; García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Panel- Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water: Reflections on an ongoing blog series (Part 1)", paper presented at IASC 2021 Water Commons Virtual Conference, Zoom, 19 to 19 May.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), ""Climate change and communities": Some basic principles (in Spanish) ", paper presented at 1st Short Films Festival "Micro-stories of climate chante in Puerto Rico" (in Spanish) , Zoom, 28 to 28 April.

García-López, Gustavo (2021), "Panel - "No one cares for what is everyone'? The tragedy of the uncommons revealed by a virus" (Ninguém cuida do que é de todos? - A Tragédia dos Incomuns revelada por um vírus")", paper presented at 2º debate do ciclo "Economistas políticos(as) - diálogos esperançosos em tempos sombrios", Zoom, 08 to 08 April.

García-López, Gustavo (2020), "A (in) justiça ambiental frente ao colonialismo do desastre", paper presented at Desigualdades no Sul Global: passados presentes, Colegio de Estudos Globais, Universidade de Coimbra / Zoom, 29 to 29 October.

García-López, Gustavo (2020), "Governing the Commons and Justice: Metropolitan Policing, Rural Development, and Environmental Justice", paper presented at Governing the Commons: 30 Years Later, The Ostroms Workshop, Bloomington, Indiana / Zoom, 02 to 02 October.

García-López, Gustavo (2020), "Within, against and beyond the state: Political ecologies of collaborative governance of protected areas in Puerto Rico", paper presented at Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) Webinar Series on Methodological Approaches to Studying Collaborative Governance, Zoom, 30 to 30 June.

García López, Gustavo (2019), "Commoning against disaster colonialism: Enacting multiple sovereignties in post-Maria Puerto Rico", paper presented at Second Social Solidarity Economy and the Commons Conference, Universidad de Lisboa, Lisboa, 06 to 08 November.

García-López, Gustavo (2019), "Planificación insurgente y el derecho a la ciudad ante el colonialismo del desastre en Puerto Rico", paper presented at Colóquio "Periferias e suas Transformações Recentes", CES-Alta, Coimbra, 03 to 03 July.