Allegretti, Giovanni (2023), RAPPORTO DI OSSERVAZIONE ESTERNA SUL PROGETTO «DEMOSCAN BELLINZONA 2023» , Geneva - Switzerland: Demoscan Project/Univ. of Geneva, 1-23
Allegretti, Giovanni; Rodrigues, Nuno; Secchi, Michelangelo; Tomassoni, Franco (2020), Covid-19 Impact on Platform Economy. A Preliminary Outlook - Report on Lisbon, Bologna: PLUS Project, 13-18
Allegretti, Giovanni; Sgueo, Gianluca; Xavier, Sergio (2020), Promoting Democratic Engagement Through Mobile Participation - Research Report, Coimbra: CES - PRODEMO Project, 1-23
Allegretti, Giovanni; Palihovici, Liliana (2019), Assessment of CSOs' and citizens' engagement in public budgetary process at national and local level in the Republic of Moldova Final Report, Chisinau/Coimbra: European Commission, 119
Allegretti, Giovanni; Secchi, Michelangelo (2018), Final Report of "EMPATIA" Project (April 2018), Coimbra: CES
Allegretti, Giovanni (2017), Extenal Evaluation of CARITALENTS project, Florence-Coimbra: CES, 33
Allegretti, Giovanni (2016), Dissemination and exploitation report of EMPATIA Project - preliminary, Coimbra: Empatia Consortium - CES, 1-145
Allegretti, Giovanni; Duxbury, Nancy; Serapioni, Mauro (2016), Think Piece about Social Inclusion for the Gold Report IV on Decentralisation, Barcelona: UCLG, 1-22
Allegretti, Giovanni; Dias dos santos, Nelson (2015), CONTRIBUTOS PARA A CONCEÇÃO DE UM ORÇAMENTO PARTICIPATIVO NACIONAL EM PORTUGAL, Sao Bras de Alportel: Associacao In-Loco
Allegretti, Giovanni; Duxbury, Nancy; Serapioni, Mauro (2013), Introduction to Community-Based Monitoring and a Possible New Dialogue with Local Governments, Barcelona: UCLG
Allegretti, Giovanni; Lopes Alves, Mariana (2010), Relatorio sobre o Orçamento Participativo de Sesimbra, Coimbra: CES/Camara de Sesimbra
Allegretti, Giovanni (2009), The spread-all-around dialogue strategy of VA SYD in Malmö, Sweden., Paris: Municipality of Paris/Centre Marc Bloch Berlim, 27