
Current research interests

Food waste policies

Grassroots initiatives against food waste

Research Projects

2020 - 2024 - "Changing paradigms: Practices and discourses of "transforming economies" in a context of social urgency", coordinated by Prof. Jesús Sanz, Prof. Sara Sama, sponsored by Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain.

2019 - 2021 - "[Food is a Right! Strengthening the implementation of the Human Right to Food and Nutrition] Alimentação é Direito! Fortalecimento da implementação do Direito Humano à Alimentação e Nutrição", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by Active Citizens Fund (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway grants).

2015 - 2018 - "Divergent Paths: A comparative study of labor-owned industrial firms in Portugal and Spain, 1970s-2010s", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by FCT.

2013 - 2016 - "Potential and Limits of Social and Solidarity Economy", coordinated by Peter Utting, sponsored by United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).

2013 - 2014 - "Orígenes y desarrollo de las cooperativas de crédito en Argentina [Origins and development of credit cooperatives in Argentina]", as coordinator researcher, sponsored by POR Toscana ESF 2007-2013 (European Social Fund Operational Programme).

2008 - 2008 - "Analisi della domanda potenziale e effettiva di servizi sociali da parte della popolazione immigrata e anziana [Assessment of the potential and effective demand for social services by immigrants and the elderly]", coordinated by L'Officina GBS Società Cooperativa, sponsored by L'Officina GBS Società Cooperativa (Rome, Italy).

2007 - 2008 - "Genesis - Obiettivi, prospettive e azioni dirette a sostenere l'occupazione delle donne in alcune aree del Mezzogiorno [Genesis - Goals, perspectives and concrete actions to promote the employment of women in Southern Italy]", coordinated by Rossella Palomba, sponsored by Department for Equal Opportunities, Presidency of the Council of Ministers (Italy).

2007 - 2007 - "Una panoramica del movimento cooperativo in Argentina - Organizzazione e caratteristiche [An overview of the cooperative movement in Argentina - Organization and characteristics]", coordinated by Riccardo Gefter, sponsored by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Embassy of Italy in Argentina, Cooperation Office.

2006 - 2006 - "Strumenti e prospettive d'internazionalizzazione per le cooperative del settore agroalimentare [Instruments and internationalization perspectives for cooperatives in the agri-food sector]", coordinated by Legacoop, sponsored by The National League of Cooperatives (Italy).

2005 - 2005 - "Análisis de las capacidades emprendedoras entre los neo-graduados de la Universidad de Mar del Plata [Assessing the entrepreneurial skills of Mar del Plata University graduates]", coordinated by Ana Gennero, sponsored by National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina).