Ana Maria Seixas
Ana Maria Seixas holds a PhD in Education Sciences, specialization area on Sociology of Education, by the University of Coimbra. She is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Coimbra, where she teaches since 1987She is also researcher at the Centre for Social Studies, member of the Research Group Democracy, Justice and Human Rights, and co-coordinator of the Observatory for Education Policies and Professional Development Her research interests and teaching activity focus on sociology of education, education policies, higher education, comparative education and education administration and management
March 20 and 21, 2025, 17h00-20h00
Teaching the History of Enslavement and Race in the Colony-Metropole Nexus
Latest Publications
Book Chapter
Seixas, Ana Maria (2024), A Internacionalização do Ensino Superior: Tendências Globais, Tensões Locais e Perspetivas., in C. Pires (org.), .) Políticas Educativas no Espaço Ibero-americano: temas críticos, tensões e perspetivas. Lisboa: FPAE, 190-203
Read moreBook
Matos, A.; Festas, I; Seixas, A,; Bobrowicz-Campos, E; Pereira, S; Lopes, P.; Tomé, V; Beça, A; Camponez, C; Moreira, A; Brites, L (2023), Educação para os Media em Prática. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Festas, Isabel; Seixas, Ana; Matos, Armanda (2023), "Escrita a partir de fontes e suas relações com o plágio em estudantes universitários ,", Educação e Pesquisa, 49