Articles in Scientific Journals

Drago, Ana (2025), "As ciências sociais e os 3D's da cidade pós-abril: Desigualdade, Desordenamento e a Democracia", Análise Social

Drago, Ana (2020), "Afterword: They say the Centre cannot hold: Austerity, crisis, and the rise of anti-politics", Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 239965442098138
DOI Open Access

Drago, Ana (2018), "Lisbon's Red Belt: A Cautionary Tale on Politicisation and Depoliticisation of the Urban Realm", Antipode, 51, 1, 87-106

Drago, Ana (2017), "Is This What The Democratic City Looks Like? Local Democracy, Housing Rights and Homeownership in the Portuguese Context", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41, 3, 426-442

Seixas, João; Tulumello, Simone; Corvelo, Susana; Drago, Ana (2015), "Dinâmicas sociogeográficas e políticas na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa em tempos de crise e de austeridade", Cadernos Metrópole, 17, 34, 371-399