Scientific Events
Organisation of scientific events
Organization of 1st International Forum LGBTQI+ Ageing in Southern Europe, FLUC & CES, 30 September to 01 October 2024.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Human Rights PhD Autumn Retreat III, Palácio de S. Marcos, Coimbra, 16 to 17 November by 2022 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Sena Martins, Bruno ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of 40 Anos de Despenalização da Homossexualidade: História LGBTI+ em Portugal, ISCTE-IUL, 26 to 27 May by 2022 (com Santos, Ana Cristina; Cascais, António Fernando; Ferreira, Eduarda; Saleiro, Sandra ; Louçã, João; Afonso, Raquel; Matias, Joana).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Human Rights in Contemporary Societies Online Seminar Series, Virtual , 26 April to 02 June 2021 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Sena Martins, Bruno ).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário Políticas antigênero e desdemocratização na América Latina - explorando conexões com a Europa do Sul, CES, Sala 1, 31 to 31 October by 2019 (com Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Alcaire, Rita; Santos, Alexandra).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário Medicalização, conversão e discriminação. A saúde mental das pessoas LGBTQI+ sob fogos cruzados , CES, Sala 2, 09 to 09 October by 2019 (com Pieri, Mara; Alcaire, Rita; Belizário, Fernanda; Santos, Ana Cristina).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Colóquio Metodologia Queer / Queerizando Metodologias, CES, Sala 1, 15 to 15 January by 2019 (com Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Alcaire, Rita).
Organization of INTIMATE Final Conference - Queering Friendship | citizenship, care and choice, Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações, Lisboa, 16 to 18 October by 2018.
Organization of Heróis e Vilões: representações a partir dos Estudos da Memória e dos Estudos de Género, CES-UC, 18 to 18 April by 2018.
Organization of 2nd INTIMATE International Conference: Queering Parenting, CES e Teatro da Cerca de S. Bernardo, Coimbra, 02 to 03 March by 2017.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário da Cátedra CAPES/CES de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Educação e saberes indígenas: da colonização, direito e autonomia: Palestrante Ivani Ferreira de Faria, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 14 to 14 November by 2016 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Sena Martins, Bruno).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Sessions Perspectives from Southern Europe I and II at the International Conference After Marriage: The Future of LGBTQ Politics and Scholarship (coorganized with the INTIMATE team and the Families & Societies team., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA, 01 to 02 October by 2016 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Selmi, Giulia).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Diversidade Sexual, Religião e Violência - Ciclo de Debates Policredos/CES: A violência com nome de religião, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal , 28 to 28 September by 2016 (com Pires Marques, Tiago; Santos, Ana Cristina; Motterle, Tatiana; Toldy, Teresa).
Organization of Queering Partnering - 1st INTIMATE International Conference , FEUC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal , 30 to 31 March by 2016.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário "Em Busca de uma Terra Sem Tantos Males: o Watu, o crime ambiental e a teia da Vida" Palestrante: Ailton Krenak, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 16 to 16 March by 2016 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Sena Martins, Bruno).
Member of the Organizing Committee of Seminário "Beyond Vernacularization: Mobilizing and Translating ´Women´s Human Rights´ Grammars in Multiple Directions",; Palestrante Cecília MacDowell Santos, Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 12 to 12 January by 2016 (com Santos, Ana Cristina Sena Martins, Bruno).
Organization of 1st Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies Conference, FCSH - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 24 to 27 September by 2015.
Organization of Colóquio Internacional 25 de Abril 40 Anos de Futuro, Faculdade Economia Universidade de Coimbra, 15 to 15 October by 2014.
Organization of Colóquio Internacional "Violências na Sombra: crimes de ódio, sexualidade e deficiência" , CES Lisboa, 25 September 2013.
Organization of Colóquio Internacional Deficiência e Sexualidade: A Cidadania Íntima Como Tabu , CES Lisboa, 23 to 23 June by 2013.
Organization of Seminário Resistencia desde los Márgenes del Derecho: el caso de las trabajadoras sexuales en Córdoba-Argentina, com Marisa N. Fassi (Università degli Studi di Milano), CES, Sala 1, 18 to 18 September by 2012.
Member of the Organizing Committee of Colóquio Cidades Sem Muros - contributos da academia na área da deficiência, CES, Sala 1, 23 to 23 April by 2012 (com Santos, Ana Cristina; Fontes, Fernando ; Sena Martins, Bruno; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Nogueira, Cláudia).
Organization of Seminário Reinventar los derechos humanos, repensándolos para emancipar, por Manuel E. Gándara Carballido , CES, 16 to 16 September by 2011.
Organization of Seminário "Movimento LGBT no Cone Sul: Um olhar preliminar a partir da América Latina", por Fernando J. Taques, Sala de Seminários do CES, 2º Piso, Coimbra, 20 to 20 December by 2010.
Member of the Organizing Committee of International Conference "Beyond Citizenship: Feminism and the Transformation of Belonging", Birkbeck, University of London, UK, 30 June to 02 July 2010 (com Roseneil, Sasha; Santos, Ana Cristina; Crowhurst, Isabel; Stoilova, Maryia).
Organization of Seminário "Política de cidadania LGBT: desafios aos direitos humanos na relação entre Estado e sociedade civil", por Andréa Moreira Carmona, Sala de Seminários do CES, 2º Piso, Coimbra, 17 to 17 June by 2010.
Organization of Seminário "A Inquisição e a repressão à Homossexualidade no mundo luso-brasileiro", Luiz Mott, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil, CES, 21 to 21 February by 2006.
Organization of Seminário "Transsexual's body modification as narcissistic self-regard in the UK gender system", Zowie Davy, University of Leeds, UK, CES, 12 to 12 October by 2005.
Presentations in scientific events
Santos, Ana Cristina (2024), " Ain't I a Queer? Getting old at the crossroads of queer pride and ageist pain ", paper presented at 16th ESA Conference 2024, Porto, 27 to 30 August.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2024), "Ageing with pride and pain - LGBTQ+ Ageing research, politics and lived experience", paper presented at 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology , Sweden, 12 to 14 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2024), "Sob fogo cruzado: a academia perante os efeitos combinados da LGBTQIfobia, do adultismo e do idadismo", paper presented at III Congresso Internacional do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG) - Estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres: Conhecimento, Políticas Públicas e Justiça Social, ISCSP-ULisboa, 31 January 02 February.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2023), "Tracing Queer Citizenship over Time: older LGBTI+ lived experiences in Southern Europe", paper presented at Research on Diversity & Diversity in Frontier Research, European Research Council, 28 to 28 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2023), "Ageing with pride and pain - challenges and resistance against ageism and other forms of violence against older LGBTI people ", paper presented at geing with Pride: Healthcare for older LGBTI people in Europe, Council of Europe, 06 to 06 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2023), "Making room for older queers - Intimate citizenship in times of cis-heteronormative ageism", paper presented at Midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network, University of Zagreb, 28 to 29 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2023), "No country for old trans: intersections of ageing and gender diversity in Southern Europe", paper presented at The Psychological Well-Being of Trans* People in Different Life Settings, Cagliari Univ., Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, 12 to 12 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2023), "Este país não é para velhos (queer) - Cidadania íntima em tempos de idadismo cis-heteronormativo", paper presented at XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 04 to 06 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Movimentos Tangentes - Perspetivas Históricas para a Construção de Futuros Afirmativos", paper presented at DiverGenteS, Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, 30 to 30 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Enquanto houver estrada para andar: investigação LGBTQI+ ao longo da vida", paper presented at SciBeer Seminars - Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research, iCBR Auditorium - Universidade de Coimbra, 30 to 30 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "In reproductive misfits we trust: queering reproduction against the backdrop of the motherhood regime", paper presented at Reproductive Citizenship, Reproductive Futures: Emergent Injustices, Hopes and Paradoxes: An international conference., Tampere University - Finland, 15 to 17 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Ageing with a twist: discussing LGBTQI+ rights and the Portuguese exceptionalism ", paper presented at COST WP3 Workshop || Homonationalism(s), intersectionality and policies of inclusion , University of Iceland, 13 to 15 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Cidadania Queer", paper presented at Bienal Ano Zero, Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra, 08 to 08 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Indisciplinar a teoria: contributos a partir dos Estudos LGBTQI+ no CE", paper presented at Colóquio CES: inter / transdisciplinaridade para o século XXI , Auditório da Faculdade de Economia da UC , 25 to 25 January.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2022), "Integrating PhD students into funded research projects", paper presented at E-NOTE: First Phd supervision excellence: Training for Academic Staff , Online.
Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Alcaire, Rita (2021), "Now you see me, now you don't: LGBTQI+ identity management in and out of the workplace", paper presented at DIAL Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course - Final Conference, Brussels/ Virtual, 21 October.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2021), "Ageing, diversity and equality amongst LGBTQI+ older adults", paper presented at ESA - European Sociological Association Congress, Barcelona / Virtual, 02 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2021), "Diversity and care relationships in 60+ LGBTQI people", paper presented at LASA - Latin American Studies Association || Congress, Virtual , 26 to 29 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2021), "LGBTQI+ Justice during the COVID-19 crisis", paper presented at European Journal of Women's Studies Virtual Symposium, Virtual, 29 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2021), "Intimacy matters, citizenship matters: current issues and future directions", paper presented at Contemporary Intimacies, Sexualities and Genders: Current Issues in Intimate and Sexual Citizenship || International Launch Event of CISG (Contemporary Intimacies, Genders and Sexualities Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University), Virtual, 21 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2021), "Diversidade e relações de cuidado em pessoas LGBTQI+ acima dos 60 ", paper presented at XI Congresso Português de Sociologia (APS), Virtual.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2019), "Do armário à sobrevisibilidade: notas sobre identidade estratégica e o lugar da autodeterminação", paper presented at II Congresso Internacional CIEG || Estudos de Género, Feministas e sobre as Mulheres: Reflexividade, resistência e ação , Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP-ULisboa), Lisboa, 24 to 26 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2019), "INTIMATE - Conclusiones Integrativas", paper presented at INTIMATE: Las micro políticas de la ciudadania intima, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, Montevideo (UdelaR), 19 to 19 February.
Santos, Ana Cristina; Santos, Ana Lúcia; Esteves, Mafalda (2019), "INTIMATE - reflexiones y resultados integrativos", paper presented at INTIMATE: Las micro políticas de la ciudadania intima
, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Equador, 14 to 14 February.
Santos, Ana Cristina; Alcaire, Rita (2018), "The heterocisnormative glass ceiling: a literature and survey review of LGBTQI+ discrimination in the workplace in Portugal", paper presented at First DIAL thematic workshop: Labour Market Inequalities Across the Life-course, Turku University, Finland, 15 to 16 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2018), "
Contra Natura: Re/pensar a cidadania a partir de corpos inomináveis", paper presented at II Conferência Internacional Género, Sexualidades e Interseccionalidade, ISCTE-IUL, 28 to 28 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2018), "Heróis no armário: homens trans e pessoas não binárias prestadoras de cuidados", paper presented at Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, 10 to 12 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2018), "Reflecting on families and sexualities in times of social change", paper presented at International Conference "The Political in the Personal: Families and Sexualities in Times of Social Change in Europe", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 27 to 27 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2017), "What's sexuality got to do with it? Queer motherhood in times of compulsory reproduction
", paper presented at XI IASSCS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 12 to 15 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2017), ""Who's afraid of the big, bad Q? Embracing Queer in Design Research"", paper presented at UD17 NOISEWSE: Design Research in face of current challenges to knowledge, Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade do Porto, 17 to 17 October.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2017), "Shifting intimate scripts: relational citizenship and reproductive dissidence in contemporary Portugal", paper presented at Gendering the Portuguese Speaking World, Kings College, London, UK, 26 to 26 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2016), "Derechos Humanos y Epistemología queer - la centralidad del género y de la sexualidad en la construcción de la justicia", paper presented at Derechos Humanos, Buen Vivir, Interculturalidad y Pos Acuerdos , Pasto, Colômbia, 01 to 01 December.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2016), "Queer Non-Monogamy Hits the Legal (Marriage) Fan: Relational Citizenship in Portugal", paper presented at After Marriage - A Conference organized by The Center for LGBTQ Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA, 01 to 02 October.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2016), "Cidadania relacional na Europa do Sul - pensar o des(re)conhecimento de biografias íntimas não-monogâmicas e queer", paper presented at IX Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 06 to 08 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2016), ""If I can't queer it, this is not my Constitution: intimate citizenship and intersectional challenges to human rights"", paper presented at Summer School Human Rights Under Pressure - Ethics, Law, and Politics, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, 20 to 30 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2016), "One at a time: relationally diverse partners challenging the (monogamous) script of citizenship", paper presented at Queering Partnering - 1st INTIMATE International Conference, FEUC, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 30 to 31 March.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2015), "Reframing coupledom through same-sex relational citizenship in Southern Europe - Introduction", paper presented at Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal , 25 to 27 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2015), "INTIMATE - The Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe", paper presented at 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Institute of Sociology, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 to 28 August.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2015), "It takes more than two to tango! Relational citizenship and the queer ethics of care and choice", paper presented at Queer Kinship and Relationships International Conference, Poland, 08 to 11 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2014), "¿Felices para siempre? La diversidad sexual, el Reconocimiento formal y homonormatividade en Portugal", paper presented at II Congreso Internacional sobre Estudios de Diversidad Sexual en Iberoamérica, Universidade de Cuenca, Equador, 26 to 29 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2014), "Corpo, Género e Sexualidade: notas introdutórias sobre cidadania íntima", paper presented at Aula Inaugural, Curso Pos-Graduação da ESS da UFF, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal Fluminense, 03 to 03 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2014), "Yes, we can - challenging the mis/fit sexual body through Feminist Disability Studies ", paper presented at BSA annual conference: Changing Society, University of Leeds, UK, 23 to 25 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2013), "Compulsory Coupledom and Multiple Belonging: Minoritised Women Speak Back!, ", paper presented at II European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, FCSH, UNL, Lisboa, Portugal, 05 to 07 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2013), "The normal in me is the normal in you? Relational demands, state recognition and homonormativity", paper presented at II European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, FCSH, UNL, Lisboa, Portugal, 05 to 07 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2013), "News, activism and cultural impact: media representations of sexual diversity in Portugal", paper presented at European Sociological Association Conference, Turim, Italia, 28 to 31 August.
Santos, Ana Cristina; Fontes, Fernando; Fonseca Santos, Ana Lúcia (2013), "Disabled women and intimate citizenship in Portugal", paper presented at European Sociological Association Conference, Turim, Italia, 28 to 31 August.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Cidadania sexual e violência LGBTI em Portugal"", paper presented at Congresso Violência de Género, pelo Consejo de la Judicatura, Cuenca, Ecuador, 13 to 13 December.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Cidadania sexual e violência LGBTI em Portugal"", paper presented at Congresso Violência de Género, pelo Consejo de la Judicatura, Quito, Ecuador, 11 to 11 December.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Agentes secretos? Cientistas-ativistas e a Sociologia Pública Queer" ", paper presented at Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Homocultura, Salvador, Bahia,, 01 to 03 August.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Estudos de Género e Sexualidade na Universidade: dilemas e potencialidades" ", paper presented at Seminário Internacional Proteção Social e Cidadania Hoje: tendências e desafios, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, 26 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Violência conjugal lésbica: do duplo armário à tripla discriminação"", paper presented at Congresso Português de Sociologia, Porto, 18 to 21 July.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""Academia, Activismo e Sexualidade: reflexões acerca de uma Sociologia Pública Queer" ", paper presented at Congresso Português de Sociologia, Porto, 19 to 22 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), paper presented at Conferência Inaugural do Centro Interdisciplinar em Estudos de Género (CIEG), , Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 24 to 25 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""In-between? Shades of mis/recognition of LGB intimate citizenship across Europe" ", paper presented at 8th European Feminist Research Conference, Budapeste, 16 to 18 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), ""The tenacity of the couple norm in Portugal"", paper presented at 8th European Feminist Research Conference, Budapeste, 16 to 18 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2012), "'Entre duas mulheres, isso não acontece' - Violência conjugal lésbica no contexto português", paper presented at Seminário Internacional Cidadania Sexual das Lésbicas em Portugal e Espanha, Centro de Cultura e Intervenção Feminista/UMAR, Lisboa, 17 to 18 January.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Violência conjugal entre mulheres - um estudo exploratório no contexto português", paper presented at Colóquio Violência doméstica sobre mulheres: respostas, dilemas e desafios, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, 28 to 28 October.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), paper presented at Cidadania Sexual e Feminismo em Portugal, Centro de Ciências Jurídicas, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 27 to 27 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Justiça sexual em Portugal: o processo da despenalização do aborto", paper presented at I Fórum sobre Direito, Democracia e Desenvolvimento: Políticas Públicas e Justiça de Gênero, Tambaú, João Pessoa, 21 to 23 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Are we there yet? Queer sexual encounters, legal recognition and homonormativity in Portugal ", paper presented at Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Seminar Series, Universidade de Leeds, UK, 20 to 20 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Towards a queer public sociology: multiple belongings and political engagement in academia", paper presented at European Sociological Association Conference, Geneve, Suiça, 07 to 10 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Painel: Intimate Citizenship and the tenacity of the couple norm", paper presented at European Sociological Association Conference - painel temático, Geneve, Suiça, 07 to 10 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Comentário Final", paper presented at Conferência Internacional Love, Fear and Power: pathways to a non-violent life, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, 30 to 31 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2011), "Intimate Citizenship and the tenacity of the couple norm in Portugal", paper presented at Conferência Internacional Remaking Citizenship: Women's Movements, Gender, Diversity, Universidade de Oslo, Noruega, 20 to 20 January.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2010), ""Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is queerest of them all?" Citizenship and sexuality in times of de/normalisation", paper presented at Geographies of Inclusion: challenges and opportunities, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 13 to 13 December.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2010), "Intimate citizenship regimes in multicultural Europe: the tenacity of the couple norm in Portugal", paper presented at British Sociological Association Conference, semi-plenary, Glasgow, UK, 07 to 09 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2009), "Activism, conflict and engagement: the syncretic approach of the Portuguese LGBT movement", paper presented at European Sociological Association Conference, Lisboa, 02 to 05 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2009), "Intimate Citizenship Claims in Portugal", paper presented at 1st European Conference on Politics and Gender - European Consortium for Political Research, Belfast, Irlanda do Norte, 21 to 23 January.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2008), "A transformação da cidadania íntima em Portugal: contributos dos movimentos pela igualdade de género e sexual", paper presented at Congresso Feminista, Lisboa, 26 to 28 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Derecho al aborto en Portugal - activismo y cambio (legal)", paper presented at Regional Meeting of Members of Latin America and Caribbean organized by Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights 2007, Manágua, Nicarágua, 15 to 17 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Estantes e armários (sexuais): cidadania sexual e heteronormatividade nas escolas portuguesas", paper presented at Género e Sexualidade em Meio Escolar, Brasília, Brasil, 12 to 13 November.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "The queer turn? Ten years of LGBT activism in Portugal", paper presented at Lesbian Lives Conference XIV, University College of Dublin, 15 to 16 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Queering the queer turn: LGBT activism and outcomes in Portugal", paper presented at XII Forum for Iberian Studies - Queer, Queerer, Queerest: Evolving Gender Identities in Portugal and Spain, University of Oxford, UK, 01 to 02 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Abortion in Portugal - legal and social outcomes of a three-step strategy", paper presented at Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Haia, Holanda, 30 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Activism and social change: contributions of the Portuguese LGBT movement to gender equality", paper presented at Colloquium on Sexual Orientation, organized by the National Commission of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, Universidade de Lisoba, 17 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2007), "Queer changing connections - a sociological perspective over LGBT activism in Portuguese media", paper presented at The British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2007, University of East London, UK, 12 to 14 April.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2006), "Herramientas para la comprensión del activismo queer", paper presented at VI Jornadas "Jovenes Contra la Homofobia", organizadas pela FELGT e pela Universidade Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, 27 to 29 October.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2006), "Out in schools: challenging heteronormativity from within", paper presented at Conferência Hetero Factory - Challenging normativity in school and working life, Museum of Work, Norrköping, Sweden, 13 to 15 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2005), "Another (queer) one bites the dust: straight queerness against heteronormativity", paper presented at 7th Conference of European Sociological Association, Torun, Polónia, 09 to 12 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2005), "How queer can a straight be? Challenging heteronormativity from within", paper presented at Conferência Heteronormativity - A Fruitful Concept?, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,, Trondheim, Noruega, 02 to 04 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2005), "Queering closets in activism: some thoughts on Portuguese lesbian collective action", paper presented at Conferência Thinking About the Closet in Lesbian Lives, Studies and Activism, Women's Education, Research and Resource Centre (WERRC), University College Dublin, Irlanda, 11 to 13 February.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2005), "We're here, we're queer, let's change the country! Impacts of LGBT activism in Portugal", paper presented at Presentation for the Postgraduate Conference, Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2004), "Gay and Lesbian Human Rights: Acting for Alternatives in the Portuguese Context", paper presented at sessão International Perspectives on Sexual Rights, no Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association, Chicago, Illinois (EUA), 27 to 30 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2004), "Dos direitos humanos aos direitos das minorias sexuais: regulação ou emancipação?", paper presented at V Congresso Português de Sociologia, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 12 to 15 May.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2001), "Portuguese Law, Homosexuality and Sociology: some (di)visions for the future", paper presented at 5º Congresso da Associação Europeia de Sociologia, Visions and Divisions. Challenges to European Sociology. Universidade de Helsínquia, Finlândia, 28 August 01 September.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2000), "Religion and (homo)sex: socio-historic analysis of a Portuguese discourse", paper presented at Conferência Interdisciplinar Internacional Gendering Ethics/The Ethics of Gender. Universidade de Leeds, Reino Unido, 23 to 25 June.
Santos, Ana Cristina (2000), "Descobrindo o Arco-Íris: identidades homossexuais em Portugal", paper presented at IV Congresso Português de Sociologia, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 17 to 19 April.