Other Activities
Since 2005 - Edition assistant of "Cabo dos Trabalhos", e-bulletin of the PhD programmes of CES (in http://cabodostrabalhos.ces.uc.pt/).
Desde 2007 - Edição de livros no âmbito das actividades de investigação desenvolvidas no CES: "Lendo Angola", Afrontamento, 2008; "Moçambique: das palavras escritas", Afrontamento, 2008.
2006 e 2007 - Assistant in the organization of the conferences within the 2nd schoolyear of the PhD Programme "Postcolonialism and Global Citizenship" (CES/FEUC) (17 conferences or seminars total). - Collaboration in the organization of the International Conference "Dialogue between Islam and Christianism: a political approach", 31 May 2007, Room Keynes, School of Economics, Univ. Coimbra (org. by Boaventura Sousa Santos, António Sousa Ribeiro, Margarida Calafate Ribeiro, Paula Meneses).