Fernanda Jesus


Degree in Psychology (pre-specialization in Social Psychology) and Master(second phase of integrated study cycle - Bolonha) in Educational Psychology, Development and Counseling, at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Coimbra. Ph.D. student in Social Psychology at the same institution, developing a thesis with the proposed theme "Values, attitudes and perceived risk in borrowing behavior." Research interests in the area of decision-making, debt, citizenship and public sector services innovation. Research Group: Democracy, Justice and Human Rights.

Latest Publications

Article in Scientific journal

Casaleiro, Paula; Dias, João Paulo; Sotero, Luciana; Jesus, Fernanda (2024), "As profissões judiciais nos tribunais de 1ª instância portugueses: reflexos do conflito trabalho-família", Configurações, 34, 13-38

Article in Scientific journal

Dias, João Paulo; Casaleiro, Paula; Queirós, Filipa; Jesus, Fernanda; Maneca Lima, Teresa (2024), "Working time and work intensity in Portuguese courts", Droit et Societé, 118(3), 549-574

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Article in Scientific journal

Dias, João Paulo; Casaleiro, Paula; Gomes, Conceição; Jesus, Fernanda; Lima, Teresa Maneca; Queirós, Filipa; Relvas, Ana Paula; Sotero, Luciana; Henriques, Marina; Verzelloni, Luca (2024), "Looking at the other side: working conditions in Portuguese courts", International Journal of Law in Context, 1-21

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