Maria Alice Costa
She is a sociologist, political scientist and urban planner. She has a post-doctorate in Sociology from the Center for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra (Portugal); PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR / UFRJ); doctoral internship at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra; master's degree in Political Science from UFF; and bachelor's degree and degree in Social Sciences from Universidade Federal Fluminense. She was visiting researcher at DeMontfort University (England) and Vanderbilt University (USA). She has been a collaborating researcher at CES, Portugal, since 2007. She is an associate professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense at the Institute of Art and Social Communication (IACS, Department of Art) and in the Postgraduate Program in Sociology and Law (PPGSD / UFF). She has extensive experience in public policy, governance and democracy as a public and academic manager, coordinating the LADER Laboratory (Laboratory of Public Policies, Governance and Regional Development / CNPq). She works in the field of Art as a Photographer, researching absences and social invisibilities in the urban space, based on the relationship between Photography, Communication, Sociology and Philosophy with a transdisciplinary perspective. ORCID:
Latest Publications
Costa, Maria Alice (orgs.) (2023), POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS ESTRUTURANTES PARA O BRASIL DO SÉCULO XXI. Brasil: Editora Appris
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COSTA, MARIA ALICE NUNES (2021), Qual o Caminho do Brasil? Instituições, Cultura e Política no Século XXI. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Editora e Livraria Appris
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