Alberta Giorgi

As a post-doc at CES, I am involved in the Observatory POLICREDOS (Observatory on Religion in Public Sphere), with a comparative project focused on the relationships between religion and politics in a multilevel governance perspective. I am post-doc associée at the GSRL (Groupe Societés, Religions, Laïcités, CNRS - Ecole pratique des hautes etudes-Sorbonne, Paris), member of the Standing Group Religion and Politics (ECPR, European Consortium of Political Research), co-convenor of the standing group Religione e Politica, and member of the standing group Movimenti Sociali e Partecipazione (SISP, Società Italiana di Scienza Politica). I am part of the editorial board of PArtecipazione e Conflitto [PArticipation and Conflict] - The open journal of sociopolitical studies. I have been awarded my PhD in Sociology at the Graduate School in Social, Economics and Political Science (University of Milano), with a thesis on the political debate over political secularism in Italy, and between 2008 and 2011 I worked at the University of Milano-Bicocca with a project on the relationships between religious institutions/organizations and politics. My research interests include political secularism and secularization, religious associations, and political participation, paying attention to dissemination. I held teaching positions at the Universities of Trento, Milano-Bicocca, and Milano, and organized some panels on religion and politics in national and international conferences - more information at the webpage: