Lygia Zamali Fernandes

I'm Lygia Zamali Fernandes, I was born in Santarém do Pará, a city located between the two largest urban areas in the forest, and I spent part of my childhood and youth in the city of Itaituba, both cities surrounded by the Tapajós National Forest, Amazonia - Brazil.I have worked and developed community-based socio-productive inclusion projects, protection for children and adolescents from traditional peoples and communities, and improvement of public social protection policies within the scope of the National Social Assistance Policy: Food Security and Solidarity Economy. I have a bachelor's degree in Social Work - an applied social science. I have worked with public policy and projects in the region since before completing my bachelor's degree. I also completed an MBA in Project Management at the University of São Paulo, as well as a postgraduate course in Social Economics at the University of Coimbra, and I have participated in project development and community strengthening efforts in the territories of traditional peoples and communities in the Amazon region.