Joana Maia


Joana Maia is an Architect, graduated in 2005 at the Artistic College of Porto (ESAP). She holds a Master Degree since 2009 on the Master program "Methodologies of Intervention in Architectural Heritage", by the University of Porto (FAUP). She also holds an Advanced Studies degree since 2011 on the PhD program "Architectural and Urban Culture", by the University of Coimbra (Darq FCTUC) and Center of Social Studies (CES) of the same University. She is currently finishing her PhD at the PhD program "CoimbraStudio: Advance Studies on Architecture and Cities", at the University of Coimbra (Darq FCTUC and CES). Since 2019 she teaches Geometry at the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra (Darq FCTUC), as an invited Assistant. Her research focuses on the Composition Process and the importance of Geometry and Drawing at the practice of Architecture.