Isabel Roque
Isabel Roque is a researcher in Sociology of Labour. She belongs to the Board of Associate Editors of the "Journal of Labor and Society", "Journal of Working Class Studies" and "Que força é essa? Revista sobre os mundos do trabalho". She is a Rapporteur and Independent External Expert for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology, a member of the "Observatory of Living and Working Conditions" of NOVA University, a member of the EURYO - European Rural Youth Observatory and a member of the Research Group "Work and Social Theory", University of Brasília (Grupo de Trabalho Teoria Social). She is also a reviewer for "Ciências Sociais - Unisinos", "Política e Sociedade - Revista de Sociologia Política - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina"; "Estudios Sociales" da Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Los Andes; "Revista Sociedade e Estado (UNB)"; "Sociolgia OnLine - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia"; Caderno CRH - UFBA. Her research interests focus on: Call and Contact Centres; Digital Platform Work; Precarity; Social Protest Movements; Trade Unionism; Psychosocial Risks; Social Inequalities; Safety and Health at Work; Alienation; Life Trajectories; Vulnerabilities; (Un)employment; Rural NEETs.
Latest Publications
Article in Scientific journal
Ribeiro, Ana Sofia; Roque, Isabel; Sousa, João Carlos (2025), "Activating Aspirations: Fostering Creative and Soft Skills for Rural NEETS in Central Portugal", Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, February, 1-18
Read moreBook Chapter
Roque, Isabel (2024), Working Class Representation in Cinema and Literature in the Digital Age, in Ben Clarke (org.), The Routledge Companion to Working-Class Literature. London: Routledge, 369-386
Read moreArticle in Scientific journal
Roque, Isabel; Boavida, Nuno (2024), "Perceptions of vulnerability and precariousness of Airbnb workers in Portugal", Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 18, 2, 245-265
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