Workshop| Gender Workshop Series XI

In the words of Sónia Sultuane

February 25, 2021, 17h00 (GMT)

Online event


Based on the theme "Feminist Arts of Words", the XI edition of the Gender Workshop Series proposes a series of monthly talks, around feminist, gender and colonial issues, with authors and other curators of the arts of words. In this session, we will talk with Miriam Alves, based on her work.

Bio note

Sónia Sultuane was born in Maputo, Mozambique. She is a poet, writer, artist and curator. Since 2005, the year of her debut, she has participated in national and international collective exhibitions, as well as solo exhibitions, such as Palavras que andam (2009). In writing, she was distinguished as «Author of the Year 2014» at the "Mujeres Poetas Internacional" Festival, organised by the Circle of Mozambican Writers of the Diaspora, for her social role in the valorisation of women. She is the author of poems integrating various anthologies, having published four poetry books - Sonhos (2001), Imaginar o poetizado (2006), No colo da lua (2009) and Roda das incarnações (2016) -, and two children's tales.


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