Colloquium | SESSION 3

Peripheries and their Recent Transformations

March 26, 2019, 10h00

Room 2, CES | Alta


3rd Session - 03/26
10 am to 1 pm: Peripheries, cultural production and the racial issue

  • Ana Rita Alves. The Ghetto: racialization, memory and resistance.
  • Henrique Duarte Lima. Appropriation of candomblé rhythms by popular Brazilian music: peripheral voices and cultural (re)existences. 
  • Carlos Guerra Júnior (“Mossoró”). Rap music in face of xenophobia and racism in Portugal.

3 pm to 6 pm: Peripheries, the issue of education and the role of education institutions in the struggles for the right to the city

  • Ana Cristina Leal Ribeiro. Emancipatory Education: practices and knowledges.
  • Marcos Gomes. Teaching experience in peripheral schools.
  • Gustavo García López. Insurgent planning and the right to the city in face of the colonialism of the disaster in Puerto Rico.

After sessions: 04/01

  • 4 pm – Room 1/CES-Alta - meeting of the collaborative research group "PERIPHERIES AND THEIR RECENT TRANSFORMATIONS": assement of the colloquium and planning of future activities.