Film session + Debate

Resistencias de los pueblos indígenas frente a los extractivismos, Panamá y Colombia

Begoña Dorronsoro

Cebaldo de León Inawinapi

November 6, 2018, 21h00

Casa das Caldeiras da Universidade de Coimbra


As a pre-event of the commemoration of CES' 40th anniversary,  this initiative is proposed on two realities of the indigenous peoples of Panama and Colombia.


  • Luciamor, la mola de Lucía, Guna People of Panama, 20 ', 2017
  • Sangre y Tierra: Resistencia Indígena del Norte del Cauca, Indigenous People of CaucaColombia, 43 ', 2016

The screenings will be followed by a debate with:

  • Cebaldo de León Inawinapi, indigenous Guna, researcher at CETRAD - Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies for the Development of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), and scriptwriter for Luciamor.
  • Producers of the Colombian video (short video intervention)
  • Begoña Dorronsoro, CES doctoral student with experience working with indigenous organisations in Colombia in the Cauca region.