Epistemologies of the South: Conflicts, Resistances and Alternatives to Life vs. Extractivist and Financial Capitalism
September 28, 2018, 15h00
Room 2, CES | Alta
Bio notes
Alda Salomão é licenciada em Educação e Direito, tem um mestrado em Direito Ambiental e está a terminar o seu doutoramento em Estudos de Desenvolvimento Internacional e Terras na universidade de Utrech. É directora do Centro de Recursos e Apoio, Investigação e Formação sobre terras TINDZILA em Moçambique. Tem trabalhado como consultora para organizações da sociedade civil e instituições moçambicanas sobre meio ambiente e território.
Begoña Dorronsoro Bachelor in Biological Sc. (Ecology) at the University of the Basque Country (U.P.V.-E.H.U.) Spain With a broad experience of more than 10 years, volunteering and working on international cooperation for development issues, with indigenous counterparts mainly from Colombia, Bolivia and Guatemala. Turns to the academy to get a Master on Feminist and Gender Studies, at the University of the Basque Country too, with the final presentation of the master thesis "Contextualizando la descolonización del feminismo desde la perspectiva indígena. Una mirada múltiple" 2009 (unpublished)
Boaventura Monjan is a Mozambican journalist and social activist. He has a degree in Journalism, by Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Maputo. He is in the completion of his Masters in Development Studies at the University of Kwazulu Natal, Centre for Civil Society, Durban. Taught web journalism and organizational communication as an intern assistant at the School of Communication and Arts, at UEM. Monjane worked as a freelance journalist for magazines and international press agencies, and has published analysis and opinion pieces in newspapers in Mozambique and Brazil. He was involved, as militant, with social movements such as La Via Campesina International, where he joined the communications team of the International Secretariat and Advocacy team of the National Peasants Union in Mozambique. Monjane participated as organizer, communicator and press officer in various mobilization activities in several countries, notably the Social Forum (Dakar, Tunis) Climate Change summits (Copenhagen, Durban, Cochabamba), International Conferences and Congresses of Peasants Movements (Selengué, Jakarta, Berder, São Paulo, Amsterdam, Coimbatore), SADC Peoples Summits (Maputo, Lilongwe, Bulawayo, Gaborone) and Humanist Foruns (Nairobi, Madrid). As social activist and academic he presented papers at prestigious universities such as the University of Illinois (USA, 2015), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru, 2014), University of Cape Town (RSA, 2013), University of Coimbra (Portugal , 2014). Monjane has translated to portuguese important academic book, namely: "T cook a Continent: Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa", by Nnimmo Bassey and "BRICS: An anti-capitalist Critique", edited by Patrick Bond and Ana garcia. He is currently a PhD student in Post-colonialisms and Global Citizenship, at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal. His research field is Social Movements, agrarian issues and alternatives from bellow.