Book presentation
«Da Cena de Crime ao Tribunal: Trajetórias e Culturas Forenses» | Eds: Susana Costa, Filipe Santos and Carlos Ademar
October 15, 2020, 17h30 (GMT + 01:00)
Auditório 1, Edifício Sede da Polícia Judiciária (R. Gomes Freire, Lisbon)
The book will be presented by José António Santos Cabral (Advisory Judge to the Supreme Court of Justice) with Carlos Farinha (Deputy Director of the Judiciary Police).
[interested parties should inform by email until October 13]
Science and law can be understood as different systems of authority, with different cultures and practices. Since the last decade of the 20th century to the present day, we have witnessed the development and expansion of the uses of science and technology in the criminal justice system, with an accelerated propensity for the co-production of science and law, leading to the encounter of different actors, knowledges and practices.
Da cena de crime ao tribunal: Trajetórias e culturas forenses [From crime scene to court: Trajectories and forensic cultures] is the result of a Summer School promoted by a partnership between the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra and the Judicial Police School (currently the Judicial Police and Criminal Sciences Institute).
This collective book, which stems from a heterogeneous set of knowledges, practices and views, provides a discussion on the ways to know the different experiences lived according to the position held by each of the actors that compose the trajectories of the traces, presenting the path of a trace from the crime scene to its conversion into evidence and judicial decision, through the perspectives of criminal investigation police and proximity, forensic experts, jurists and sociologists, in order to articulate the different experiences, ways to know and act.
It is an excellent theoretical and practical tool, designed as a working tool for academics, students and teachers, but also for professionals linked to justice, crime and criminal investigation, as well as the integrated medical emergency system.
Contents covered
Proximity police at the crime scene | Contribution of technology | (In)visibilities and "grey areas" at the crime scene | The Scientific Police Laboratory and criminal investigation | Sexual assaults | DNA Profile Database | Transnational information sharing | The contribution of DNA in criminal investigation | The analysis of media cases in the Portuguese justice system | The perspective of different epistemic cultures | DNA technology in the Portuguese criminal justice system