Neighbourhoods and youth crime: sensitive relations
October 8, 2020, 16h00 (GMT +01:00)
Online event
The Youthresponse project - Young adult offenders: criminal law and judicial response by studying the social, public policy, law and penal system responses to young adult offenders - aged between 16 and 21 – charged with practices qualified by criminal law as crimes, always finds reference to a social relationship of the majority of these young people with neighbourhoods on the outskirts of large cities in the representations of the police and magistrates of the public prosecutor's office and judiciary.
Hence, this seminar aims to deepen, on the one hand, the knowledge about the existence (or not) of these sensitive social relations of young people living in urban territories, which have been categorised by the public security forces as ZUS - Sensitive Urban Areas. And, on the other hand, it also intends to question the very concept, its use and risks to define police or judicial activity, as well as the public policy, in these territories, concerning these young people.
Programme (to be confirmed)
16:00 - Framework of the theme in the project
16:15 - Presentation by Jorge Malheiros
16:35 - Presentation by Miguel Saraiva and Paula Guerra
17:10 - Comments by Raquel Matos
Moderator : Patrícia Branco
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