
Towards  New Mobilities in the City: Stories, Plans and activisms

October 18, 2013, 09h00-19h00

Room 1, CES-Coimbra

This interdisciplinary colloquium on new urban mobilities will examine the relationship between historical knowledge, forward planning and citizen activism. We begin by discussing the theoretical and methodological tools that can support future urban imaginations to explore the located potential of concrete cities.  We will depart from an understanding of the historical role of urban mobilities in the "production of space", both as an economic circuit as well as a circuit of formation of subjectivities, collapsing the local and the global. We shall explore the ways in which ideas and practices of movement in the city associate to "performance" of gender, class and 'race', citing postcolonial and feminist prospects regarding space. Specifically, we will discuss ongoing research on urban mobilities in the urban regions of Coimbra and Porto, both in the disciplinary field of urban planning as in law.

Furthermore, we shall reflect on the possibilities of articulation between social scientists, professionals working for the municipal state apparatus and activist citizens, interrogating the dangers of a discourse on urban mobility representing it merely as a technical issue. Consequently, this reflection will consider the conflict inherent to a democratic government of the city, and in particular the collective decisions on movement in urban space. Namely, we will discuss the activist practices and municipal planning underway in Coimbra, Aveiro, Porto and Matosinhos. We shall conclude with a discussion on emerging urban mobilities, and the future of mobilities in the city as essential procedures to the democratization of urban life.

This colloquium is oriented towards urban planning professionals and activist on urban mobility, as well as researchers and post-graduate students (master and doctorate) especially in urban planning, architecture, geography, anthropology, sociology and law.

The colloquium includes two sessions of three hours, and will conclude with an hour discussion, preceded by a coffee break. a certificate of attendance will be delivered at  the end of the colloquium.  For the purpose of admission to the Ordem dos Arquitectos, participation in the course concedes 2 credits in Optional Training in Architecture Materials.

Registration Deadline
October 14, 2013

Maximum Number of Participants | 40

 5 Euros – regular

Free - post-graduate students (master and doctorate)

Tiago Castela (CES), João Paulo Cardielos (DARQ/CES) e Anabela Ribeiro (CITTA/FCTUC)

