Gender mainstreaming in curricula and pedagogical practices in Portuguese Public Universities
The main objective of the project ENGENDER is to determine the place occupied by the Women's, Gender, Feminist Studies (WGFS) in the different disciplinary fields, the way they are being integrated in the curricula and pedagogical practices of PPU, and the perceived impact on the personal and professional experiences of those involved therein, whether as teacher, researcher or student.
The relevance of the study is enhanced by the inclusion, in its theoretical-analytical model, of the social and political changes that are altering the conditions of academic work: neoliberal globalization of education systems; precarisation and loss of status of academic work; redefinition of merit towards of the ability to attract funding, social impact and new metrics for measuring individual performance; hyperspecialisation and disciplinarisation that devalue the epistemological status of interdisciplinary studies; the rise of LGBTQI+ studies; but also the funding availability for the implementation of gender equality plans in PPU; and the digitalization of teaching/learning styles.
The study is structured around three analytical axes:
1. Characterization of the WGFS integration into curricula and pedagogical practices in Portuguese Public Universities
2. Measurement of gender integration in published research and its perceived valuation
3. Public and institutional policies
The project is s upported by a multidisciplinary research team (Sociology and Psychology-Education) and multi-skilled (extensive and varied teaching, research and action research experience in WGFS), with expertise in gender assessment of policies and projects.
Expected results will allow to map WGFS in Portuguese Public Universities’ curricula and pedagogical practices, exploring the epistemological, methodological and professional approaches of different actors.
The project also aims to show how HE curricula might be more inclusive and aligned with Agenda FCT 2030's challenges, seeking to leverage national policies addressing Universities’ strategic role vis-à-vis the UN Sustainable Development Goals nr 4 (Quality Education) and nr 5 (Gender Equality). The research results will thus produce knowledge that may feed public policies aligned with the current Portuguese National Strategy for Gender Equality (ENIND 2018-2030).