ECOSOL - Economia Solidária
Meeting | Ecosol-CES
Health, community animation and 25 April
November 16, 2024, 09h30
Casa da Esquina (Coimbra)
Over the last fifty years, we have witnessed changes in healthcare that have brought about significant benefits. The main change has undoubtedly been the creation of the National Health Service, accessible to all and practically free of charge, which has resulted in a generalised reduction in morbidity and mortality, significant health gains and an improvement in the quality of life of the Portuguese people. Although these results are associated with improved standards of living and education and reduced poverty and inequalities, they are mainly due to the innovative and decisive intervention of health professionals in the prevention of disease and the provision of care, with the involvement of communities.
We know that the conditions under which professionals can intervene and their leeway with health authorities have changed a lot since then. For this reason, it seems essential to analyse the similar innovative and experimental interventions that are taking place in the same areas. Perhaps the lack of resources is a common difficulty for both generations under analysis, but we must also consider new limitations related, for instance, to the organisational structure and vertical decision-making.
Based on these considerations, we have decided to propose organising a meeting with the participation of professionals from both generations who have excelled in processes of change in healthcare based on its innovative nature (overcoming routines), its universalist dimension (health for all) and the importance given to disease prevention and the contexts (environmental, social, emotional) that produce it.
Organisers: Casa da Esquina, Grupo ECOSOL/CES, and Grupo de Animação Comunitária