ECOSOC - Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade

Film session

«Project Wild Thing» by David Bond and Ashley Jones

November 4, 2017, 18h00

Casa da Cultura de Coimbra (TBC)

Synopsis: Project Wild Thing is a documentary that addresses the complex subject of the growing distance of children from nature. Contrasting the social and advertising stimuli to children's consumption of products that are very unnatural and harmful to health and well-being, filmmaker David Bond invites parents and the whole society to contribute to a greater familiarity of children with nature, promoting a connection between healthier growth processes and an ecological position.

Session 6 of the ParaDocma Itinerant Cinema Series, an initiative jointly organised by the Coimbra em Transição Association (CeT) and the CES Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC), in collaboration with other local organisations.