Cerca de 70% de alunos inquiridos aguenta aulas em casa o tempo que for preciso

CES (com)vida 2020

Cerca de 70% de alunos inquiridos aguenta aulas em casa o tempo que for preciso

OP.Edu @Lusa

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CES (com)vida 2020


Jesús Sabariego


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Riscos Sociais da Contaminação

CES (com)vida 2020

Riscos Sociais da Contaminação

Manuel Carvalho da Silva

Jornal de Notícias

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A intensa pedagogia do vírus

CES (com)vida 2020

A intensa pedagogia do vírus

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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A Trágica Transparência do Vírus

CES (com)vida 2020

A Trágica Transparência do Vírus

Boaventura de Sousa Santos

JL - Jornal de Letras, Artes e Ideias

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Disease metaphors in new epidemics: the UK media framing of the 2003 SARS epidemic


Disease metaphors in new epidemics: the UK media framing of the 2003 SARS epidemic

Brigitt Nerlich

Patrick Wallis

Social Science & Medicine

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Ecological Reflections on the Coronavirus

CES (com)vida 2020

Ecological Reflections on the Coronavirus

Vandana Shiva


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Whoever does not have Peasants, Should find Them: The Food Injustice of Pandemics

CES (com)vida 2020

Whoever does not have Peasants, Should find Them: The Food Injustice of Pandemics

Irina Castro

Irina Velicu

Ramona Dominicioiu

Stefania Barca

Undisciplined Environments

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A minha querida telescola

CES (com)vida 2020

A minha querida telescola

José Reis


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A Sul da Quarentena

CES (com)vida 2020

A Sul da Quarentena

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


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We should listen to coronavirus experts, but local wisdom counts too

CES (com)vida 2020

We should listen to coronavirus experts, but local wisdom counts too

The Conversation

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Rethinking urban epidemiology: natures, networks, and materialities


Rethinking urban epidemiology: natures, networks, and materialities

Meike Wolf

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

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Increased and new challenges for URBiNAT: the crisis of the inclusive public space in times of pandemic

CES (com)vida 2020

Increased and new challenges for URBiNAT: the crisis of the inclusive public space in times of pandemic

URBiNAT Project

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Pandemia, apocalipse e o século XXI

CES (com)vida 2020

Pandemia, apocalipse e o século XXI

António Carvalho

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Coronavirus Pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications


Coronavirus Pandemic in the EU - Fundamental Rights Implications

Agência dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia (FRA)

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Covid-19 and the Question of Taming Social Anxiety

CES (com)vida 2020

Covid-19 and the Question of Taming Social Anxiety

Gopal Guru

Economic and Political Weekly

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Media Framing and the Threat of Global Pandemics: The Ebola Crisis in UK Media and Policy Response<br />


Media Framing and the Threat of Global Pandemics: The Ebola Crisis in UK Media and Policy Response

Elisa Pieri

Sociological Research Online

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Abaixo da superfície

CES (com)vida 2020

Abaixo da superfície

Rita Campos

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A Cidade Desalmada

CES (com)vida 2020

A Cidade Desalmada

Carlos Fortuna

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Coronavirus: Out of Many, One


Coronavirus: Out of Many, One

Tomas Puyeo


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