CES Summer School

Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggles (2nd edition)

August 28 to September 3, 2016

Casa das Artes | Fundação Bissaya Barreto (Coimbra)



Thematic area(s) of the course
Eurocentrism, knowledge production, (anti-)racism, grassroots movements

Graduate students in social sciences and humanities, political activists and members of NGOs in the field of anti-racism and human rights, school teachers mainly in the field of History and Geography, journalists.

Course Description
This Summer School addresses debates and contemporary struggles against racism and Eurocentrism at three levels: in the production of knowledge, public policy and grassroots movements. Its main objectives are:
a) to discuss the Eurocentric knowledge production of the history of (anti-)colonialism, enslavement and racism, through the questioning of concepts and dominant approaches in the political and academic world;
b) to discuss key concepts for understanding complex political processes (in particular, racial state, violence, nation, citizenship);
c) to present a variety of cases of research in different international contexts and with different disciplinary approaches (Sociology, History, Philosophy, Political Economy, Geography);
d) to promote a critical analysis of public policies for integration and combating discrimination;
e) to engage in dialogue with the alternatives that have been proposed by grassroots movements in challenging Eurocentric knowledge production and dissemination, including the presentation of initiatives in the context of informal education and education through arts. The School aims to promote a dialogue between the production of knowledge in academia and grassroots movements, considering the power relations and political struggles that condition this dialogue and the possible articulations between the two areas.

Faculty will recommend a list of texts related to the topics and conceptual approach of each session, to be distributed among the participants.

Silvia Rodríguez Maeso,
Marta Araújo,

Anabela Rodrigues (Theatre of the Oppressed Group, Lisbon, Laboratory AmiAfro) 
Aya Ramadan (Party of the Indigenous of the Republic, France)
Baron Kelly (African American Theatre Program, University of Louisville)
Branwen Gruffydd Jones (Cardiff University)
Bruno Gonçalves (SOS Racismo / ROMED – Mediation for Roma)
Gaia Giuliani (CES, University of Coimbra)
Kwame Nimako (University of California – Berkeley)
Katy P. Sian (University of York)
Marta Araújo (CES, University of Coimbra)
Mario Espinoza Pino (Complutense University, Madrid)
Mónica Moreno Figueroa (University of Cambridge)
Piménio Ferreira (Letras Nómadas Project, anti-racist activist)
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso (CES, University of Coimbra)

250€ (early registration, until May 31, 2016) 350€ (from June 1) | Registration is only considered effective after payment.
Maximum number of registrations: 20

: English

This is a non-profit Summer School.


[2 sessions per day; morning 10h00-13h00 | afternoon 14h30-17h30]

Sunday, 28 August
Eurocentrism, race and knowledge production
The critique of Eurocentrism in the racist present | Silvia R. Maeso (CES)
Political and academic understandings of (anti-)racism | Marta Araújo (CES)

Monday, 29 Agust
Race, Gender and feminist theory

Beauty, race, and feminist theory in Latin America| Mónica Moreno Figueroa (University of Cambridge)
Beauty, blackness and Italian whiteness| Gaia Giuliani (CES)

Tuesday, 30 August
Cultures of scholarship and the politics of memorialisation

The memoralisation of racial slavery | Kwame Nimako (University of California, Berkeley)
Eurocentrism and cultures of scholarship in International Relations | Branwen Gufrydd Jones (Cardiff University)

Wednesday, 31 August
15h00 | The renovation of colonial discourse in contemporary European cities: a debate with artist Vasco Araújo

Thursday, 1 September
Institutional Racism and decolonial strategies

Islamophobia within ‘Anti-Radicalisation’ policies in the UK | Katy P. Sian (University of York)
Decolonial struggles and political dignity in contemporary France | Aya Ramadan (Partie des Indigènes de la République, France)

Friday, 2 September
The racial state, violence and political struggles

Racism, CIEs and processes of borderisation in Spain| Mario Espinoza Pino (Complutense University, Madrid)
Art and Politics
Creating Empathy in Actor Training Using Afrocentric Concepts to Fight Racism | Baron Kelly (Director of the African American Theatre Program at the University of Louisville)

Saturday, 3 September
Grassroots movements, political conscientisation and anti-racism

Anabela Rodrigues – GTO-LX (Laboratório Ami Afro)
Bruno Gonçalves (ROMED/Letras Nómadas)
Piménio Ferreira (Letreas Nómadas)

Theatre of the Oppressed – Theatre Forum: a performance by the AmiAfro project


Presentation Programme Registration